Showing 51 - 60 of 16,031
Social accounting matrices (SAM) are databases that focus on the intersectoral relationships in a given economy that close the circular flow of income. This article deals with the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in Andalusia, a Spanish region that European regional policy classifies in...
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This paper presents, in Portuguese, an overview of the input-output theory, originally developed by Wassily Leontief. The first and second chapters present the background of the theory of input-output, placing the work of Leontief in a historical view. Chapter 3 presents the basic theory of...
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El objetivo de este artículo es analizar y cuantificar los efectos económicos y el impacto medioambiental en emisiones atmosféricas de las distintas ramas que componen el sector eléctrico en España. Para ello, no sólo se consideran los efectos directos sino también los efectos indirectos...
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This paper detects structural similarities among several regions in Chile, in particular those that can be compared to the Magellanic and the Chilean Antarctica region: the regions Tarapacá, Libertador Bernardo O¿Higgins Riquelme, Bío- Bío and Los Lagos. This exercise is particularly...
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El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el impacto, en emisiones de CO2, de la demanda final de Cataluña en relación a los vínculos comerciales interregionales con el resto de España y el resto del mundo. Este proceso implica el análisis del balance en CO2 incorporado para Cataluña, lo que...
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El objetivo que se plantea en este trabajo es el de identificar los sectores clave y estratégicos para el desarrollo de economías a nivel regional y su comparación con el paradigma nacional. Para ello, se aplican diversas metodologías complementarias de análisis de sectores clave para las...
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Gim & Kim (1998) proposed a generalization of Jeong (1982, 1984) reinterpretation of the Hawkins-Simon condition for macroeconomic stability to off-diagonal matrix elements. This generalization is conceptually relevant for it offers a complementary view of interindustry linkages beyond final or...
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In this paper we extend the proportional rule to division problems with multiple references and we present a result of characterization of the weighted proportional rule. As a particular case, we analyze the problems of probability aggregation and probability updating. division problems with...
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This study is a contribution to the ongoing debate on the performance of various non-survey techniques for constructing sub-territorial Input-Output tables. Three aspects of the behaviour of the methods are analysed: performances in reproducing ‘true' input coefficients, variability of error,...
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This paper adopts the industrial capabilities argument and the concept of revealed comparative advantage as the basis for evaluating the competitiveness of the UK creative industries in sustaining export growth. The empirical results have revealed a heterogeneous nature of the economic linkages...
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