Showing 111 - 120 of 200
The extended Hubbard model in the atomic limit (AL-EHM) on a square lattice with periodic boundary conditions is studied with use of the Monte Carlo (MC) method. Within the grand canonical ensemble the phase and order-order boundaries for charge orderings are obtained. The phase diagrams include...
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We review and extend the composite fermion theory for semiconductor quantum dots in high magnetic fields. The mean-field model of composite fermions is unsatisfactory for the qualitative physics at high angular momenta. Extensive numerical calculations demonstrate that the microscopic CF theory,...
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In this study the intimate connection is established between the Banach space wavelet reconstruction method on homogeneous spaces with both singular and nonsingular vacuum vectors, and some of the well known quantum tomographies, such as: Moyal-representation for a spin, discrete phase space...
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In this paper we study the ground state phase diagram of a one-dimensional t-J-U model away from half-filling. In the large-bandwidth limit and for ferromagnetic exchange with easy-plane anisotropy a phase with gapless charge and massive spin excitations, characterized by the coexistence of...
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The Jordan-Wigner transformation is applied to study the ground state properties and dimerization transition in the J<Subscript>1</Subscript>-J<Subscript>2</Subscript> XXZ chain. We consider different solutions of the mean-field approximation for the transformed Hamiltonian. Ground state energy and the static structure factor are compared...</subscript></subscript>
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We introduce an auto-regressive model which captures the growing nature of realistic markets. In our model agents do not trade with other agents, they interact indirectly only through a market. Change of their wealth depends, linearly on how much they invest, and stochastically on how much they...
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We consider one-dimensional (1D) interacting spinless fermions with a non-linear spectrum in a clean quantum wire (non-linear bosonization). We compute diagrammatically the 1D dynamical structure factor, S(ω,q), beyond the Tomonaga approximation focusing on it's tails, |ω| ≫vq, i.e. the...
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We investigate the phase diagram of a quarter filled Hubbard ladder with nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion using bosonization and renormalization group approach. Focusing on the strong-repulsion regime, we discuss the effect of an interchain exchange interaction J <Subscript>⊥</Subscript> and interchain repulsion V...</subscript>
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The description of fermions on curved manifolds or in curvilinear coordinates usually requires a vielbein formalism to define Dirac γ-matrices or Pauli matrices on the manifold. Derivatives of the vielbein also enter equations of motion for fermions through the spin connection, which gauges...
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Persistence is studied in a financial context by mapping the time evolution of the values of the shares quoted on the London Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 index (FTSE 100) onto Ising spins. By following the time dependence of the spins, we find evidence for power law decay of the proportion...
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