Showing 21 - 30 of 125
Using the numerical renormalization group method, the dependences on temperature of the magnetic susceptibility χ(T) and specific heat C(T) are obtained for the single-impurity Anderson model with inclusion of d-f the Coulomb interaction. It is shown that the exciton effects caused by this...
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We present a comprehensive optical study of the narrow gap FeSb<Subscript>2</Subscript> semiconductor. From the optical reflectivity, measured from the far infrared up to the ultraviolet spectral range, we extract the complete absorption spectrum, represented by the real part σ<Subscript>1</Subscript>(ω) of the complex optical...</subscript></subscript>
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Many-body Hamiltonians obtained from first principles generally include all possible non-local interactions. But in dynamical mean field theory the non-local interactions are ignored, and only the effects of the local interactions are taken into account. The truncation of the non-local...
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We present a combined experimental and theoretical study of the electronic structure for the heavy-fermion antiferromagnet Ce<Subscript>5</Subscript>Rh<Subscript>4</Subscript>Sn<Subscript>10</Subsc ript> based on X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) data and ab initio band structure calculations. The Ce core-level XPS spectra point to a stable trivalent...<//subsc></subscript></subscript></subscript>
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