Showing 1 - 10 of 325
In recent years, Grid infrastructures have proven to be invaluable in the areaof scientific computing and high-performance computing (HPC). However,the use of Grid infrastructures in complex business scenarios remains an openresearch topic. A major goal of the ValueGrids project, funded by the...
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The deregulation of the German energy sector changes transaction relations, trading processes and contract design. We report on the findings of a field research survey conductet in the deregulated German wholsale trading market between April and June 2000.
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Der verstärkte Wettbewerbsdruck zwingt Unternehmen dazu, alle Aktivitäten ihrer Wertschöpfungskette hinsichtlich realisierbarer Kostensenkungspotentiale und möglicher Leistungsverbesserungen zu überprüfen. In diesem Kontext gewinnt der Beschaffungsbereich aufgrund der - durch Konzepte wie...
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Zunehmende internationale Konkurrenz, eine wachsende Planungskomplexität, die Verkürzung der Planungszeiträume sowie die geänderten Tarifbedingungen im Transportwesen,speziell im Straßengüterverkehr, verlangen nach neuen, innovativen Problemlösungsmethoden, insbesondere für die...
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Recent changes in the German energy policy initiated a deregulation process from a monopolistic to a competitive market, fundamentally changing the market structure, transaction relationships and trading processes. While the mutual exchange of electric energy has been a business activity between...
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In einer Pilotstudie an der Universität Karlsruhe wurden Wiki-Systeme in die Hochschullehre integriert, mit dem Ziel die Studierenden schon während des Semesters zu einer aktiven Auseinandersetzung mit dem Lehrstoff zu animieren. In dieser Arbeit werden die wesentlichen Erkenntnisse der Studie...
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This paper presents a framework for Service Level Management indynamic, heterogeneous environments for service composition. Compositions areselected based upon previously observed performance and the associated riskderived from such observations. The architecture of a framework is introduced...
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With the increasingly ubiquitous nature of Socialnetworks and Cloud computing, users are starting to explore newways to interact with, and exploit these developing paradigms.Social networks are used to reflect real world relationships thatallow users to share information and form connections...
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Research on services and their appropriate design is still scarce in healthcare and needs to be advanced. The contribution of this work is twofold: First, we derive appropriate metrics for measuring service quality from our interdisciplinary work on the stroke chain of survival. Second, we...
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We model the main arguments of the net neutrality debate in atwo-sided market framework with network congestion sensitive con-tent providers and Internet consumers on each side, respectively. Theplatform is controlled by a monopolistic Internet service provider, whomay choose to sell content...
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