Showing 5,011 - 5,020 of 5,794
Absent convex preferences or in the presence of indivisibilities, many classical results in general equilibrium fail. We provide a simple solution in a continuum economy: allow traders to engage in simple lotteries between two wealth levels. Such lottery equilibria approximately clear finite...
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We consider a linear stochastic univariate rational expectations model, with a predetermined variable, and provide alternative representations of SSEs (stationary sunspot equilibria). For a strict subset of the parameter space there exist SSEs that are locally stable under least squares learning...
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In the recent economic literature the independence of the central bank is often considered to be one of the most effective guarantees to achieve price stability. A strong theoretical basis of this proposition is that the monetary policy delegation given to an independent central bank is an...
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Different types of hysteresis are applied in order to describe persistence phenomena in micro- and macroeconomics. On the microeconomic level sunk adjustment costs generate "genuine" hysteresis where temporary exogenous shocks lead to switches between different "branches" of an entire...
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Studying the power-law scaling of financial time series is a promising area of econophysics, which has often contributed to the understanding of the intricate features of the global markets. In this article, we examine the multifractality of some financial processes and the underlying formation...
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Let X be a non-empty, compact, convex set in R and o an upper semi-continuous mapping from X to the collection of non-empty, compact, convex subsets of R;. It is well known that such a mapping has a stationary point on X, i.e. there exists a point in X satisfying that its image under o has a...
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We study a model for evaluating an organisation’s design wherein its principal (a) delegates outcome-determining tasks to agents with heterogeneous preferences, (b) guides their performance of these tasks via action recommendations, and (c) is better informed than the agents about the state of...
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In a seminal 1972 paper, Robert M. May asked: “Will a Large Complex System Be Stable?” and argued that stability (of a broad class of random linear systems) decreases with increasing complexity, sparking a revolution in our understanding of ecosystem dynamics. Twenty-five years later, May,...
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We study equilibria in multi-asset and multi-agent continuous-time economies with asymmetric information and bounded rational noise traders. We establish existence of two equilibria. First, a full communication one where the informed agents' signal is disclosed to the market, and static policies...
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The optimal policy functions in the Lucas model are locally downward (upward) sloping if the coefficient of risk aversion is large (small) with respect to the share of physical capital. This paper shows that this property extends to the equilibrium dynamics
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