Showing 639,241 - 639,250 of 740,161
This paper uses an overlapping generations model with international labor mobility and a politically responsive fiscal policy to examine aging in developed and developing regions. Migrant workers change the political structure composed of young and elderly voters in both labor-receiving and...
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find that limits on deficit-output ratios provide incentives to implement procyclical policies when the economy is in …
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In this paper we revisit the literature on the economic consequences from inefficiency in public services provision. Following Dupuit (1844) and Pigou (1947) we argue that it is important to take the financing side explicitly into account. The fact that public expenditure financing must rely on...
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Surprisingly it did not, or at least not directly. Using micro data on consumer prices and sectoral inflation rates from 6 euro area countries, spanning several years before and after the introduction of the euro, we look at whether EMU has altered the behaviour of retail price setting and/or...
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Will EMU accelerate or retard structural reform in labour and product markets? The theoretical literature is ambiguous. New descriptive evidence provided in this paper suggests that euro-area countries have made relatively good progress in structural reform. However, it is much less clear...
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We present sufficient conditions for data on an industry's product prices, quantities, and input prices to identify retailers' and manufacturers' vertical supply model. Identification requires nonlinear demand for homogeneous products and multi-product firms with non-constant markups for...
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Estimating the lag length of autoregressive process for a time series is a crucial econometric exercise in most economic studies. This study attempts to provide helpfully guidelines regarding the use of lag length selection criteria in determining the autoregressive lag length. The most...
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Development of human societies requires cooperation among unrelated individuals and obedience to social norms. Although punishment is widely agreed to be potentially useful in fostering cooperation, many recent results in psychology and economics highlight punishments' failures in this regard....
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This paper analyzes the relationship between inflation tax and the level of government spending in a public finance context. The key feature of the model developed is that it recognizes the possibility that conventional taxes, such as the consumption tax, may carry increasing marginal collection...
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