Showing 141 - 150 of 255
Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt die Anwendung der logistischen Funktionsform zur Abbildung der Preistransmission von internationalen auf nationale Märkte im partiellen Nettohandels-Gleichgewichtsmodell ESIM (European Simulation Model). Am Beispiel des europäischen Rindfleischmarktes wird...
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Dieser Beitrag stellt die Abbildung der Effekte einer verminderten Subsistenzproduktion für Milch in den MOEL in einem landwirtschaftlichen Sektormodell dar. Es wird projiziert, dass die Nettoexporte von Molkereiprodukten Bulgariens, Rumäniens und Polens im Falle eines EU-Beitritts niedriger...
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Die Agrar- und Ernährungsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen (FAO) hat jüngst die Öffentlichkeit alarmiert, weil die Reduzierung des auf dem Welternährungsgipfel 1996 formu-lierten ambitiösen Ziels, die Anzahl der mangelernährten Menschen auf der Welt zu halbieren, in sehr weite Ferne...
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The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)of the European Union has been in a process ofreform for quite some time. As a result of reforms,agricultural market regulations have become moreliberal and direct payments which are to a largeextent decoupled from production have beenintroduced. In this...
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The EU recently completed negotiating a series of Association Agreements withMediterranean countries. Trade preferences for agricultural goods granted under theseAgreements, as well as under former arrangements, are analyzed by calculating the valueof preference margins at several stages in the...
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This paper focuses on EU agricultural trade policies which are especially relevant to North African and Near Eastern countries in the context of the Doha round in the WTO. First, the comprehensive agricultural trade preferences granted to them by the EU, which may be eroded in an environment of...
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Turkey´s market for milk and dairyproducts is encountering growinginterest of international dairycompanies since discussions ofTurkey possibly entering the EU have becomemore serious in recent months. And there aregood reasons for being interested in theTurkish market. With more than 70...
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Der türkische Milchmarkt findet im Rahmendes fortschreitenden Abbaus von Agrarhandelshemmnissenund der EU-Beitrittsperspektivezunehmendes Interesse bei internationalagierenden europäischen Unternehmen. Hierfürgibt es gute Gründe: Mit einer Bevölkerungsstärkevon mehr als 70 Millionen...
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At the EU Council in December 2004,European heads of governmentsfollowed the proposal of theEuropean Commission and decidedto open EU accession negotiationswith Turkey in October 2005. Theprospect of Turkish membershipis a controversial issue in the EUbecause of its geopolitical and...
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An importexceeds a "normal" level. This paper identifies various internal and external factors that can contribute to the emergence of agricultural import surges in developing countries and discusses their relevance. External factors play a rather minor role. Internal policies, whether carried...
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