Showing 81 - 90 of 255
differences in farm-development strategies can be observed. The land market has been identified in the literature as crucial for farm growth. In various studies, developments are driven by assumptions about the effects of scale and the initial heterogeneity of farms. In contrast, the present...
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Purpose This paper aims to identify criteria for the better targeting of public funding for private social activities and organizations. As a starting point, it proposes that financing strategies can characterize organizations which are positioned on a for-profit/non-profit continuum. The paper...
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After an extended process of reform the European Union has introduced direct payments tofarmers which are decoupled from production decisions as a central element of its CommonAgricultural Policy. They are also referred to as Single Farm Payments. In this paper weanalyze the production and trade...
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This paper has benefited greatly from a discussion of an earlier version with the participantsof the first Humboldt Forum for Food and Agriculture in Davos, Switzerland in March 2009.Research has been made possible in part by a research grant from BASF SE – The ChemicalCompany. The first two...
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This study focused on Sudanese women working in food and beverages business in urbanmarkets of Khartoum State. It aimed at identifying the reasons behind women’s work,the constraining and enhancing factors that affect their performance as entrepreneurs,beside their attitude and strategies in...
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In the paper it is inquired how Sudanese women use the financial institutions in order toorganise their lives between market, household, and the community. The results arebased on interviews and observations done in two villages in the surroundings ofOmdurman (Al Gharaza and Sanahir), displaced...
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Urban agriculture is a very important activity of refugees although it has not been in the focusof research as today. This research was done in the region of greater Khartoum in the Sudanwhich was the destination of migration of 5 million people in the last 25 years coming incause of...
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This research is the outcome of fieldwork undertaken between November 2002 and 2003 inAl Gharaza village part of Khartoum State - the Sudan capital.The study focuses on identifying how spaces and times are interrelated and engendered. Theforces that impact the creation of boundaries or those...
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The economic, political and climatic conditions in which farmers around the world have tomake their production and investment decisions are changing dramatically. This studyanalyses the driving forces of changes in agricultural world markets and their implications forEuropean Union agriculture...
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In this paper we price a precipitation option based on empirical weather data from Germanyusing different pricing methods, among them the burn analysis, index value simulation anddaily simulation. For that purpose we develop a daily precipitation model. Moreover, a decorrelationanalysis is...
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