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There is no consensus on whether macroeconomic fundamentals have any predictive power for bond risk premia, either unconditionally or conditionally over bond yields. Using Adaptive Group LASSO, a machine learning algorithm, we are able to construct a new, parsimonious macro variable that is...
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This paper constructs a 10-year realized term premium from the 10-year zero coupon Treasury yield in year 0 and the ex post 3-month Treasury yields from years 0 to 10. The realized term premium swung wildly until the mid-1980's, and then fluctuated within a fairly stable range showing no trend....
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We document a new risk premium in the Japanese yen that compensates for the policy uncertainty in Japan. The yen risk premium is implied from bond markets under the assumption of no-arbitrage. We estimate a regime switching term structure model and find that in Japan, the conventional monetary...
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We estimate the term premium implicit in 10-year Mexican government bonds from 2004 to 2019, and analyze the main determinants explaining its dynamics. To do so, we decompose the longterm interest rate into its two components: the expected short-term interest rate and the term premium. The...
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We show that the difference between the natural rate of interest and the current level of monetary policy stance, which we label Convergence Gap (CG), contains information that is valuable for bond predictability. Adding CG in forecasting regressions of bond excess returns significantly raises...
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equilibrium interest rate (r*), trend inflation, and term premia for the United States and the euro area, using a Bayesian … approach. The natural real rate and trend inflation are cornerstones determining equilibrium yields across maturities and …
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We assess the effect of the QE2 program on the TIPS liquidity premium using a latent factor approach and a counterfactual exercise. In the context of a state-space model for nominal and TIPS yields, we identify the TIPS liquidity premium as the common component in TIPS yields that is unspanned...
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The paper considers a no-arbitrage setting for pricing and relative value analysis of risky sovereign bonds. The typical case of an emerging market country (EM) that has bonds outstanding both in foreign hard currency (Eurobonds) and local soft currency (treasuries) is inspected. The resulting...
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addition to the credit risk of the sovereign it reflects a whole set of extra risk factors such as inflation, exchange rate …
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Cochrane and Piazzesi (2005) show that (i) lagged forward rates help predict bond returns and that (ii) modern Markovian dynamic term structure models (DTSMs) cannot match the evidence. We develop the family of Conditional Mean DTSMs where the dynamics depend on current yields and their history...
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