Showing 1 - 10 of 491
Various simulation models uniformly project a decline of the cereal and silage maize area as well as ruminant production in the EU-15 in the course of decoupling of direct payments. In contrast, model results are heterogeneous with respect to the direction of the decoupling effect on oilseed and...
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The Barcelona Process (Euro-Mediterranean Partnership) celebrated its tenth anniversary witha Summit of Head of Governors in November 2005. A five-year work programme, agreed bythe partners, marks the renewed efforts to implement the objectives of the Euro-MediterraneanPartnership. One of the...
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The EU recently completed negotiating a series of Association Agreements withMediterranean countries. Trade preferences for agricultural goods granted under theseAgreements, as well as under former arrangements, are analyzed by calculating the valueof preference margins at several stages in the...
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An importexceeds a "normal" level. This paper identifies various internal and external factors that can contribute to the emergence of agricultural import surges in developing countries and discusses their relevance. External factors play a rather minor role. Internal policies, whether carried...
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As a pragmatic definition applied throughout this paper, an import surge is considered a situation in which the quantity or value of imports suddenly exceeds a "normal" level. This somewhat loose concept leaves questions as to how "suddenly", "normal" and "excess" should be defined precisely,...
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This article reviews ways of representing the effects of decoupling in the EuropeanUnion (EU) on land allocation and production in eight selected simulationmodels (AGLINK, AG-MEMOD, CAPRI, CAPSIM, ESIM, FAPRI, GOALand GTAP). It then compares the simulated effects of decoupling and tracesthem...
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Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt die Anwendung der logistischen Funktionsform zur Abbildung der Preistransmission von internationalen auf nationale Märkte im partiellen Nettohandels-Gleichgewichtsmodell ESIM (European Simulation Model). Am Beispiel des europäischen Rindfleischmarktes wird...
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Dieser Beitrag stellt die Abbildung der Effekte einer verminderten Subsistenzproduktion für Milch in den MOEL in einem landwirtschaftlichen Sektormodell dar. Es wird projiziert, dass die Nettoexporte von Molkereiprodukten Bulgariens, Rumäniens und Polens im Falle eines EU-Beitritts niedriger...
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Das Phänomen der Subsistenzlandwirtschaft hat in einigen mittel- und osteuropäischenLändern (MOEL) zum einen eine lange Tradition, zum anderen ist es durch die ökonomischeund soziale Transformation dieser Volkwirtschaften bedingt. Generell sinkt im Verlauf derökonomischen Entwicklung der...
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This paper presents an approach to depict subsistence production of milk in a partial equilibriumsector model and applies this approach to Poland, Bulgaria and Romania in the European SimulationModel (ESIM). The restriction on milk production implied by the EU milk quota in a situation...
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