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Theories of irreversible investment suggest a negative relation between investment and uncertainty,and non-linear adjustment costs open for asymmetries in the adjustment of fixed capital. We proposean econometric modelling approach to estimate and test the key predictions of modern...
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Recent developments in the oil and gas industry suggest that investment behaviour is not necessarilychangeless over time. We propose a micro-econometric procedure to investigate the stability ofinvestment behaviour. Applying system GMM methods on a panel data set for 253 oil and gas...
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Predictions from the original geophysical approach to oil explorationand production suggest that oil production will develop according to a predeterminedand inflexible bell-shaped trajectory, quite independent of variables relatingto technological development, economics, and policy. Exploring...
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Work-related health problems represent a latent threat to job motivation and organisational performance,with high potential costs both for private and public enterprises. Based on powerful survey data from aninternational oil company in Norway, we explore how work-related health problems are...
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In many tournaments it is the contestants themselves who deter-mine reward allocation. Labor-union members bargain over wage dis-tribution, and many …firms allow self-managed teams to freely determineinternal resource allocation, incentive structure, and division of labour.We analyze, and test...
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Why does individual performance pay seem to prevail in humancapital intensive industries? We present a model that may explainthis. In a repeated game model of relational contracting, we ana-lyze the conditions for implementing peer dependent incentive regimeswhen agents possess indispensable...
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Can added value be obtained from better collaboration between oil companies and contractors? The topic is addressed by analysing organisational patterns, contracts and compensation formats.Specific issues raised in this paper include the following questions. Are adjustments needed to contractual...
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This paper introduces bond market order flow as a predictor variable in term structuremodels and provides evidence that order flow has forecasting ability over and above thatof forward rates. Both in-sample and out-of-sample forecasts show that models includ-ing interdealer order flow outperform...
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When assets exhibit asymmetric dependence or joint downside risk, diversificationcan fail and financial markets may be prone to systemic risk. We analyze thedependence structure of risk factors in the US economy, using both correlations anda parsimonious set of copulas. We find evidence of...
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