Showing 61 - 70 of 376
This study investigates what creates value for customers and how providers canimprove value for their customers. A comprehensive analytical model with a fourstepapproach is presented and applied in the field of financial services. In a firststep, the main customer value drivers are identified...
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The aim of this paper is to study the influence of nonlinear dependencies on a nonlifeinsurers risk and return profile. To achieve this, we integrate several copulamodels in a dynamic financial analysis (DFA) framework and conduct numericaltests within a simulation study. We also test several...
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Proper pricing and risk assessment of implicit options in life insurance contractshas gained substantial attention in recent years, which is reflected in a growing literaturein this field. The purpose of this article is to outline the significance of implicitoptions in life insurance. Toward...
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In der Literatur wird häufig vermutet, dass eine zunehmende Anzahl Hedgefondseinen negativen Einfluss auf die Renditen dieser Fonds haben könnte. DieserVermutung wird in diesem Beitrag nachgegangen. Wir verfolgen dabei zweiZiele: Zum einen geben wir einen Überblick über die Entwicklung des...
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The Sharpe ratio is adequate for evaluating investment funds when the returns ofthose funds are normally distributed and the investor intends to place all his risky assetsinto just one investment fund. Hedge fund returns differ significantly from anormal distribution. For this reason, other...
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In this paper, we investigate the impact of different asset management and surplus distributionstrategies in life insurance on risk-neutral pricing and shortfall risk. In general,these feedback mechanisms affect the contract’s payoff and hence directly influence pricingand risk measurement. To...
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Fundamental changes in the market environment force insurance intermediaries to redefinetheir roles. This article focuses on the future functions of brokers, which areanalyzed from a functional as well as a customer-oriented perspective. To cope withthe limitations of current intermediation...
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Participating life insurance contracts typically contain various types of implicit options. These implicit options can be very valuable and can thus represent a sig-nificant risk to the insurance companies issuing these contracts in case of in-sufficient risk management. Options can get...
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Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a nonparametric method from the area of operationsresearch that measures the relationship of produced outputs to assignedinputs and determines an efficiency score. This efficiency score can be interpretedas a performance measure in investment analysis. Recent...
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Trotz einer sehr positiven Entwicklung des weltweiten Hedgefonds-Marktes undsehr positiver Erwartungen der deutschen Fondsindustrie hinsichtlich der Marktentwicklungist bislang in Deutschland eher ein zurückhaltendes Interesse anHedgefonds zu beobachten. Was sind die Gründe für die...
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