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Adopting the methodology used to produce estimates of gross domestic product (GDP) by size for the United States, this paper estimates GDP for small and medium-sized businesses versus large businesses for the Canadian non-agricultural business sector in 2005. In the entire non-agricultural...
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This paper asks how the performance of self-employed unincorporated businesses affects the size of the gap in labour productivity between Canada and the United States. To do so, the business sector in each country is divided into unincorporated and corporate businesses, and estimates of labour...
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Dans le present article, on estime la contribution, au produit interieur brut (PIB), des entreprises de taille petite, moyenne et grande dans le secteur des entreprises du Canada pour 2005. Les grandes entreprises comptant 500 employes ou plus ont contribue pour 45,7 % au PIB du secteur des...
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The paper estimates the contributions to gross domestic product (GDP) made by small, medium-sized and large businesses in the Canadian business sector for 2005. The contribution of large businesses with 500 or more employees to business-sector GDP was 45.7%. Small and medium-sized businesses,...
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This paper compares the relative importance of small and large firms in the business sectors of Canada and the United States from 2002 to 2008 using estimates of the contribution of small and large firms to the gross domestic product (GDP) of each country. It then makes use of estimates of...
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Le but du present article est double. En premier lieu, les auteurs fournissent une matrice de comptabilite sociale (MCS) detaillee pour l'economie canadienne en 2004. Cette matrice permet d'integrer les flux financiers et les flux de revenus dans la matrice d'entrees-sorties usuelle....
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The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, the authors provide a detailed social accounting matrix (SAM), which incorporates the income and financial flows into the standard input-output matrix, for the Canadian economy for 2004. Second, they use the SAM to assess the strength of the...
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Le present document donne d'abord une comparaison de l'importance relative des petites et des grandes entreprises dans le secteur des entreprises au Canada et aux Etats-Unis de 2002 a 2008 qui s'appuie sur les estimations des contributions respectives de ces entreprises au produit interieur brut...
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Recent immigration appears to be characterized by frequent return and onward migration. This has important consequences for the contribution of immigrants to the economy of the host country. The return to host country settlement costs may be very low for some immigrants. Lack of longitudinal...
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L'immigration recente semble se caracteriser par la frequence des retours ou des reprises de migration, d'ou d'importantes consequences sur la contribution qu'apportent les immigrants a l'economie de leur pays d'accueil. A un certain nombre d'immigrants, il peut en couter tres peu pour s'etablir...
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