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This paper examines the role played by India in the negotiations at the WTO platform post-adoption of the 'Agreement on Agriculture' and its agenda for future. The chapterization of the paper is as under:(I) Introduction(II) Agreement on Agriculture: Basic Tenets(III) Agriculture: Post Uruguay...
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More than 170 years ago, Frédéric Bastiat noted in his masterly work Economic Sophisms that the “opposition to free trade rests upon errors, or, if you prefer, upon half-truths.”1 Ever since Adam Smith successfully replaced mercantilist orthodoxy with free trade doctrine in his celebrated...
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In this paper is analyzed the relation between GDP growth and External balance in Colombia for the study period (1963-2016) by using a VECM. Supposing everything else unchanged, we conclude that Colombian external balance granger caused GDP growth and there was indeed a long run relation between...
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Foreign currency reserves are of great significance to any developing country's economic growth prospects. Exports have been for long decades regarded as a major source of foreign currency and a driving force for economic growth. This paper empirically examines the export-led growth paradigm for...
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There is no doubt that Cuba is working hard to attract foreign investors. In 2014 its foreign investing laws were completely reformed to accommodate this, however, it may be too early to determine whether these reforms actually reduce investor risk. For foreign investors ready to make the move...
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We extend the model of Nishimura and Shimomura (2002) to consider a two-country framework where under autarky indeterminacy arises in one country but determinacy in the other, and show that indeterminacy could be eliminated when trade takes place between the two
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The world is facing two major energy problems - climate change and peak oil. The depleting oilfields are on the rise. Oil companies are going farther into the ocean to dig deeper in their quest for the fossil fuels. Some have even started their exploration activities in the Arctic Ocean and the...
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In the past decade, U.S. software firms have increasingly utilized the low-cost information technology (IT) labor force in India. Companies wishing to capture the benefits of outsourcing can engage in contracting (hiring an Indian contracting company to perform the service) or foreign direct...
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As a result of the program of social, political, and economic reforms called doi moi" (meaning renovation) implemented by the Communist Party in 1986, market forces have been allowed to operate in Vietnam subject to state supervision. The centerpiece of doi moi has been to attract foreign...
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From the standpoint of policies, the different branches of economics may be aggregated into two categories: dirigiste and laissez fairist. Dirigiste theories in economics have been based primarily on the complexity of commodities: this allows commodities to be ranked according to the...
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