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liquidity indicators auditors should have questioned the validity of Lehman Brothers being a going concern. The purpose of this …
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buyers through partial retention of assets if and only if their liquidity holdings are large. However, when sellers … their liquidity holdings are small. The model is extended to study the implications for discount window lending and …
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How legitimate is it to use asking price information in the absence of transactions prices? And how does the gap between the two vary over the market cycle? This paper examines these two issues by comparing two large datasets from Ireland's property market over the volatile period 2001-2012. It...
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share values. We find support for three channels by which perks increase firm value: an increase in share liquidity, a … decrease in the equity cost of capital, and signaling to investors. A fourth channel, by which perks help to market the firm …
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Diamond-Dybvig [1983] provide a model of intermediation in which bank runs are driven by pessimistic depositor expectations. Models which address these issues are important in the ongoing discussion which weighs the costs (incentive problems) and the benefits (preventing runs) of deposit...
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We extend the standard model of general equilibrium with incomplete markets to allow for default and punishment by thinking of assets as pools. The equilibrating variables include expected delivery rates, along with the usual prices of assets and commodities. By reinterpreting the variables, our...
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