Showing 821 - 827 of 827
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We study the interaction between market timing and pecking order in the financing decision of firms. Using a sample of debt and equity issues and share repurchases of Canadian firms during 1998-2007, we find that only when firms are not financially constrained, they are more likely to issue...
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In this paper we analyze the persistence in the performance of hedge funds taking into account look-ahead bias (multi-period sampling bias). To do so, we model liquidation of hedge funds and analyze how it depends upon historical performance. Next, we use a weighting procedure that eliminates...
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Since 1998, large investment banks have flooded the European capital markets with issues of call warrants. This has led to a unique situation in the Netherlands, where now call warrants, traded on the stock exchange, and long-term call options, traded on the options exchange, exist. Both entitle...
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A wide range of empirical biases hampers hedge fund databases. In this paper we focus upon survival-related biases and disentangle look-ahead biases due to self-selection of funds and due to fund termination. Self-selection arises because funds voluntarily report their information to data...
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We study the announcement effects and their determinants of convertible debt issues in the Canadian market in order to identify issuer motives. The average wealth effect for the three-day event window around the announcement of convertible bonds between 1991 and 2004 is a significantly negative...
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