Showing 11 - 20 of 316
We propose an easily implementable test of the validity of a set of theoretical restrictions on the relationship between economic variables, which do not necessarily identify the data generating process. The restrictions can be derived from any model of interactions, allowing censoring and...
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Cet article illustre le lien entre identification partielle dans les modèles économétriques et critères de décision de Jaffray dans l'incertain non probabilisé à travers l'univers du choix de niveau optimal d'émissions toxiques dans un lac partagé entre deux communes.
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We propose a multivariate extension of Yaari's dual theory of choice under risk. We show that a decision maker with a preference relation on multidimensional prospects that preserves ¯rst order stochastic dominance and satis¯es comonotonic in-dependence behaves as if evaluating prospects with...
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We revisit Machina's local utility as a tool to analyze attitudes to multivariate risks. Using martingale embedding techniques, we show that for nonexpected utility maximizers choosing between multivariate prospects, aversion to multivariate mean preserving increases in risk is equivalent to the...
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We propose a multivariate extension of Yaariʼs dual theory of choice under risk. We show that a decision maker with a preference relation on multidimensional prospects that preserves first order stochastic dominance and satisfies comonotonic independence behaves as if evaluating prospects using...
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We propose a computationally feasible way of deriving the identified set of parameter values in models with multiple equilibria, with particular emphasis on oligopoly entry models. This is achieved through an equivalence result between the existence of an equilibrium selection mechanism...
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