Showing 91 - 100 of 1,224
This paper examines the interaction between minimum wage legislation and tax evasion byemployed labor. I develop a model in which firms and workers may agree to report less thanthe true amount of earnings to the fiscal authorities. I show that introducing a minimum wagecreates a spike in the...
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We study the mapping between labor mobility and industrial innovative activity for thepopulation of R&D active Danish firms observed between 1999 and 2004. Our studydocuments a positive relationship between the number of workers who join a firm and thefirm’s innovative activity. This...
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In this paper we provide an overview of China’s human capital strategy and educationalachievements over the last two decades. While every one acknowledges China as aneconomic superpower, very few are aware of or realize China’s notable achievements ineducation as well as its...
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We investigate spillovers in spousal labour supply exploiting independent variation in hoursworked generated by the introduction of the shorter workweek in France in the late 1990s.We find that female and male employees treated by the shorter legal workweek reduce theirweekly labour supply by...
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This paper examines the Turkish wage curve using individual data from the HouseholdLabor Force Survey (HLFS) including 26 NUTS-2 regions over the period 2005-2008.When the local unemployment rate is treated as predetermined, there is evidence infavor of the wage curve only for younger and female...
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We empirically investigate the impact of incentive scheme structure on the degree ofcooperation in firms using a unique and representative data set. Combining employee surveydata with detailed firm level information on the relative importance of individual, team, andcompany performance for...
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We explore whether finance influences the impact of labour market institutions onunemployment. Using a data set of 18 OECD countries over 1980-2004, we estimate a panelVectorAutoRegressive model. We check whether causalities from labour market variables tounemployment are affected by financial...
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We analyze the role of risk-sharing institutions in transitions to modern economies.Transitions requires individual-level risk-taking in pursuing productivity-enhancing activitiesincluding using and developing new knowledge. Individual-level, idiosyncratic risk implies thatdistinct risk-sharing...
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In the last decades, international trade has increased between industrialised countries andbetween high- and low-wage countries. This important change has raised questions on howinternational trade affects the labour market. In this spirit, this paper aims to investigate theimpact of...
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We use micro data from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service to document how households’ taxliabilities vary with income, marital status and the number of dependents. We report facts onthe distributions of average and marginal taxes, properties of the joint distributions of taxespaid and income,...
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