Showing 841 - 850 of 926
Using a microbased superpopulation approach some aspects of optimal prediction of aggregated AR(1) processes are studied.
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The Ricardian equivalence theorem has been widely debated since (at least) the seventies. The theorem states that househoolds should not change their consumption path in response to changed timing of taxes, given the path of government consumption. In the paper, theoretical models giving rise to...
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Denna översikt över prissättning och konkurrens på läkemedelsmarknaden syftar till att översiktligt diskutera de nya förutsättningarna på den svenska läkemedelsmarknaden och implikationerna för hur vi i framtiden väljer att reglera läkemedelsmarknaden. Ett ökande kostnadsansvar...
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The paper examines the theoretical foundations of the hold-up problem. At a first stage, one agent decides on the level of a relationship-specific investment. There is no contract, so at a second stage the agent must bargain with a trading partner over the surplus that the investment has...
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This paper examines the determinants of overseas R&D by Swedish multinationals. Our empirical results indicate that the location of R&D abroad to a large extent is motivated by the need to adapt products and processes to conditions in the foreign markets where the firms operate. However, we also...
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The demand for gasoline in Sweden follows a seasonal cycle. The paper investigates the response in prices and profits over the cycle. In contrast to what has been found for the gasoline market in the United States, we find no support for seasonal price changes compatible with the theories for...
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Within a simple formal model, we show that there is a link between workers' consumption patterns and their preferred real wage. A large budget share of illiquid durable consumption goods (such as houses and cars) makes workers more willing to accept a low wage in order to reduce the probability...
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For finite dimensional factor models, the paper studies general quadratic term structures. These term structures include as special cases the affine term structures and the Gaussian quadratic term structures, previously studied in the literature. We show, however, that there are other,...
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During the 19th century, poor and orphan Swedish children were boarded out. The foster-parents' compensation was determined in English auctions. Some children were re-auctioned. We use historical data from such auctions to study whether informational asymmetry and possibly adverse selection...
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In this paper I define an evolutionary stability criterion for learning rules. Using Monte Carlo simulations, I then apply this criterion to a class of learning rules that can be represented by Camerer and Ho's (1999) model of learning. This class contains perturbed versions of reinforcement and...
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