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This paper analyzes the borrowing behavior of a small open economy of a developing country that relies heavily on imports for its capital formation and faces an upward-sloping supply function of foreign loans. Decision makers face uncertainty about the longevity of external shocks. That...
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variables, making transparent the response of these variables to a shock …
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We examine, conditional on structural shocks, the macroeconomic performance of different countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB) rules in small open economy estimated medium scale DSGE. We find that rules based on the credit gap create a trade-off between the stabilization of fluctuations...
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This paper analyzes the dynamics of risk premia, real exchange rates and portfolio movements in a two-country, two-good, two-bond model. We use an asymmetric set-up in the model, where one of the countries is emerging and the other one is developed and both countries issue bonds in domestic...
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positive, temporary risk premium shock. …
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We sketch a model that shows how skill-biased technological change may reverse the classic Balassa-Samuelson effect, leading to a negative relationship between the productivity in the tradable sector and the real exchange rate. In a small open economy, export goods are produced with capital,...
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We provide new empirical evidence that U.S. expected growth and consumption volatility are closely related to the strong co-movement in sovereign spreads. We rationalize these findings in an equilibrium model with recursive utility for CDS spreads. The framework nests a reduced-form default...
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In this paper we present Aino 3.0, the latest vintage of the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model used at the Bank of Finland for policy analysis. Aino 3.0 is a small-open economy DSGE model at the intersection of the recent literatures on so-called TANK (“Two-Agent New...
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Empirical evidence demonstrates that credit standards, including lending margins and collateral requirements, move in a countercyclical direction. In this study, we construct a small open economy model with financial frictions to generate the countercyclical movement in credit standards. Our...
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The central bank's optimal reaction to foreign and domestic shocks is analyzed in an inflation targeting model allowing for incomplete exchange rate pass-through. Limited pass-through is incorporated through nominal rigidities in an aggregate supply-aggregate demand model derived from some...
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