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Najvypuklejším politickým problémom počas celej histórie palestínsko-izraelského konfliktu bolo to, že obe strany sa vzájomne neuznávali. Palestínčania považovali židov, ktorí prišli do Palestíny a na časti jej územia vyhlásili izraelský štát, za okupantov bez legitimity....
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V roku 1982 nórska Strana práce pomohla založiť inštitút FAFO, ktorý mal za úlohu skúmať životné podmienky Palestínčanov na Izraelom okupovaných územiach a vo východnom Jeruzaleme. Jedným zo spolupracovníkov tejto organizácie bol aj Terje Rod Larsen (neskorší riaditeľ...
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Po strate jordánskych pozícií v roku 1970 sa ťažisko palestínskej aktivity presunulo do južného Libanonu, kde v oblasti pohoria Hermon boli pre partizánsky boj priaznivé prírodné podmienky. Slabosť libanonských štátnych inštitúcií, sympatie a podpora niektorých libanonských...
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Keď sa v Libanone rozhorela občianska vojna, Sýria musela voči nej sformulovať svoju politiku. Vojna a smer, ktorý nabrala, pôsobila sýrskej vláde ťažkú dilemu. Sýria, dlhodobo sa snažiaca nastoliť nadvládu nad Libanonom aj nad Organizáciou za oslobodenie Palestíny (OOP),...
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Studies on EU enlargement mostly focus on its welfare-economic and much less so on its public-choice dimension. Yet, the latter may be as important as the former when it comes to sustain integration. This paper aims at filling the gap by exploring theoretically and empirically how enlargement of...
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Theoretical work based on social identity theory and in-group favoritism predicts that increased population diversity (e.g., due to immigration) reduces support for redistributive public policies. In this article, we add to the empirical literature testing this prediction in three ways. First,...
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This paper argues that high political competition does not necessarily induce policy makers to perform better as previous research has shown. We develop a political economy model and we show that when political competition is tight, and elected politicians can rely on more tax instruments, they...
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We study how natural-resource rents affect the risk of internal conflict within countries and how the federal structure of countries influences this relationship. Natural-resource abundance may induce excessive rent-seeking and thus increase the risk of internal conflict. Fiscal and political...
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This paper investigates the changing nature of economic integration in China. Specifically, we consider business-cycle synchronization (correlation of demand and supply shocks) among Chinese provinces during the period 1955-2007. We find that the symmetry of supply shocks has declined after the...
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Performance budgeting schemes in the public sector have to operate with imperfect performance measures. We argue that these imperfections lead to wasteful fund-seeking (window dressing and lobbying) by the administrative units that produce public services. We develop a game-theoretical model to...
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