Showing 111 - 120 of 182
Entgegen früherer Studien, die darauf hinweisen, dass der gesamte Credit Spread eines Bonds durchdas mit diesem Bond verbundene Kreditrisiko induziert ist, zeigen neuere empirische Untersuchungen,dass neben Kreditrisiken noch weitere Faktoren die Höhe des Credit Spreads determinieren.Die...
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This paper empirically analyzes a particular type of notes observed insecuritization transactions: combination notes. Combination notes are formedby combining parts of two or more tranches of securitization transactions,where one part usually consists of a share of the first loss piece. It is...
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A large number of new ventures in Germany are undertaken due to government aid. Withthe introduction of the “Ich-AG” or “me-plc” in January 2003, this share has increasedstrongly. Entrepreneurship research so far has said very little about the success and the determinantsof success of...
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This paper analyzes the impact of heterogeneous (social) preferences on theweighting and combination of incentive performance measures as well as on a firm’sprofitability within a principal-agent framework. Previous literature had failed torecognize heterogeneity effects. We consider rivalry,...
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This paper addresses the question, what metrics should be used for performance evaluationand in particular how they should be weighted and combined in the presence oftechnological interdependencies when the agents exhibit variedly strong developed rivalry.1 It is further examined, whether the...
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Der Beitrag diskutiert die Anwendung des im Rahmen der Unternehmensbewertung häufigangewandten Gordon/Shapiro-Modells bei Vorliegen von Inflation sowie persönlichen Steuern.Gezeigt wird, dass sich steuerlich bedingtes und inflationsinduziertes Wachstum parallelim Kalkül erfassen lassen,...
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Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (GSOEP), we analyze whethernecessity entrepreneurs differ from opportunity entrepreneurs in terms of self-employmentduration. Using univariate statistics, we find that opportunity entrepreneurs remain in selfemploymentlonger than necessity...
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In diesem Beitrag zeigen wir, dass theoretische und technologische Aussagensysteme zweieigenständige Forschungszweige darstellen und damit die Notwendigkeit erwächst, eineeigene Methodologie technologischer Aussagensysteme zu entwerfen. Wir stellen ersteAnsatzpunkte vor, wie eine solche...
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Life annuities provide a guaranteed income for the remainder of the recipi-ent’s lifetime, and therefore, annuitization presents an important option whenchoosing an adequate investment strategy for the retirement ages. While thereare numerous research articles studying annuities from a...
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Zu den wichtigen Erscheinungsformen des Veränderungsprozesses an den Finanzmärktengehört das Wachstum der Märkte für den Transfer von Kreditrisiken (Credit Risk TransferCRT). Markante Instrumente des Kreditrisikotransfers sind einerseits strukturierte Produktewie die Asset-Backed Securities...
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