Showing 101 - 110 of 16,036
Empirical evidence on the distribution of relative price changes almost invariably reveals high kurtosis and a tendency … toward right-skewness. Simple mixed distribution models including volatile and infrequently adjusted prices can account for …
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This paper assesses the performance of three types of commodity price forecasts—those based on judgment, those relying …
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Both national accounts and balance of payments are based on multiple, complex source data and typically undergo several routine revisions as more and better source data are incorporated into the final estimates. As a result, neither dataset can be subjected directly to the usual statistical...
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outcomes to decisions and then to choose the optimal distribution of outcomes. This assumes that the decision maker trusts the …
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This paper develops an approach for forecasting in Thailand core inflation. The key innovation is to anchor the projections derived from the short-term time-series properties of core inflation to its longer-run evolution. This involves combining a short-term model, which attempts to distill the...
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This paper uses six waves of the Bank of Italy Survey of Households Income and Wealth to explore the dynamics of asset portfolio ownership. The household asset portfolio decision is a choice among discrete alternatives, and I model the problem in a multinomial framework. I focus on a...
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We study empirically daily French and German interest rate changes since the Basle-Nyborg agreement of September 1987. In particular, we ask whether the shock associated with German unification altered the degree of leadership of German monetary policy in the ERM. We conclude that Germany’s...
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The diversification of the agrarian activities towards different branches of the economy seems a viable alternative to clear the gray horizon of this type of organizations. An emergent activity, Rural Tourism, appears as a very interesting option to complement partners’ income, as well as the...
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In recent years there has been considerable scientific and public debate on climate change and its direct and indirect effects on human health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2006), some 2.5 million people die every year from non-infectious diseases directly attributable to...
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Many common statistical models can be specified as linear models with restrictions imposed on the parameters. A large amount of these models impose restrictions which do not allow for the analytical construction of the probability density function (pdf) of the parameters given the restrictions....
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