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) market data that can be used by utilities as a benchmark for gauging the relative success of their green pricing programs … sales, participants, participation rates, and new renewable energy capacity supported. It presents data on various aspects …
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functionally divided into generation, transmission, and distribution activities, all of their gas-fired generating capacity was … divested, and the retail market was opened to competition. To ensure that small customers shared in the expected benefit of … import electricity, numerous plant outages, and exercise of market power by generators drove up wholesale electricity prices …
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) annually estimates the US market penetration of wind in its Annual Energy Outlook series. For these estimates, the EIA uses … multiplies the cost of windpower by several factors, some as large as 3, to account for resource quality, market factors …
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, maintenance, fuel extraction, and fuel transport, as well as project financing, property tax, and landowner revenues. We examine …
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, maintenance, fuel extraction, and fuel transport, as well as project financing, property tax, and landowner revenues. We examine …
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This report presents estimated costs and cost indices for domestic oil and natural gas field equipment and production …) have a significant impact on the number and cost of oil and gas wells drilled. These changes also impact the cost of oil …
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to the Avoided Cost of the buying utility. The specific contract language is ''Seller will be paid at a rate equal to the … utilities' published avoided cost of energy as updated and authorized by the Commission (CPUC)''. The first geothermal contract … themselves. The prime reason for focusing on the issue is that avoided costs of the utilities directly track the delivered cost …
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current and in projected future prices for these fuels, which often serve identical end uses, underscores the influence of … above those for the other two fuels. The significance of this work rests on the fact that, in market economies, prices … provide the fundamental signals needed for efficient resource allocation. Although market prices often fail to fully account …
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, relatively low cost and significant domestic resource base. However, in the Fall of 1991, a group of electric utility executives … relationship between supply reliability and contracts is explained in terms of the number of buyers and sellers in a market. With … market prices. Public utility commissioners are encouraged to permit utilities a free choice in signing gas contracts, but to …
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through the forward market, with the goal of better understanding fuel price risk and the role that renewables play in … past four years at least, levelized cost comparisons of fixed-price renewable generation with variable price gas … bear this added cost, and moreover can provide price stability for terms well in excess of six years. …
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