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Study. AURORA is the computer model being used to perform the Market Price Forecast Study (see Market Price Forecast Study … loads, resources, natural gas prices, forward market electricity prices, transmission expenses, and aluminum smelter benefit … payments are simulated in RiskSim. Monthly spot market electricity prices for the simulated loads, resources, and natural gas …
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and costs involved in transport of low-level wastes; reduction of low-level waste volume through smelting, incineration …, and storage for wastes containing nuclides with short half lives; development of a national policy for the management of …
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The authors have operationalized firm-specific exploration efficiency as the difference between a firm … attribute of any finding cost measure and that, further, the degree of association may be used as a metric for choosing between … alternative finding cost measures. Accordingly, they evaluated the cross-sectional statistical association between estimated …
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This report sunnnarizes the research by an Energy Modeling Forum working group on the evolution of the North American natural gas markets between now and 2010. The group's findings are based partly on the results of a set of economic models of the natural gas industry that were run for four...
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articulated by the Economic Policy Council (EPC), is the continuation of the successful policy of market reliance, consistent with … regulations on domestic oil and gas exploration, production, and transportation; the potential of tax incentives to stimulate …
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lowest cost. Incorporating the concept of meeting customer energy service needs entails a recognition that customers' costs …, an integrated resource plan seeks to balance cost and reliability, and should not be interpreted simply as the search for … determine the extent to which they have undertaken least-cost planning for gas utilities. The survey included the following …
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This study addresses the issue of the ban on exports of Alaskan crude oil. At present almost all crude oil production from Alaska must be sold in the United States, i.e., it may not be exported. This study examines the impact, mainly on the West Coast, of eliminating this export restraint. The...
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Heightened natural gas prices have emerged as a key energy-policy challenge for at least the early part of the 21st century. With the recent run-up in gas prices and the expected continuation of volatile and high prices in the near future, a growing number of voices are calling for increased...
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Heightened natural gas prices have emerged as a key energy-policy challenge for at least the early part of the 21st century. With the recent run-up in gas prices and the expected continuation of volatile and high prices in the near future, a growing number of voices are calling for increased...
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technology in the state. In California the IOF effort focuses petroleum refining, chemical processing, food processing and … current economic and energy situation of these industries in California, the processes and energy uses, and the potential …
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