Showing 121 - 130 of 540
The existing academic literature on financialization points to multiple instances in which firms attempt to demonstrate the vitality of their stock-market position in ways which ultimately prove to be self-harming. I demonstrate, in the first instance as a matt er of immanent logic, that these...
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This thesis is a theoretical study of the role of credit market imperfections in business cycle dynamics. In particular, Chapters 2 to 4 focus on the credit channel of the monetary transmission mechanism, while Chapter 5 studies the role of shocks to credit markets in generating business cycle...
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In this thesis the behaviour of stock returns of firms listed on the Amman Stock Market is examined. The thin trading characteristic of the market is emphasised and its possible effects on empirical investigations are analysed. The first four chapters contain a review of the literature on the...
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This thesis has two main concerns. First it attempts to shed new light on the ways in which alternative "critical" approaches have developed within management accounting research, over the past two decades, to challenge approaches which depict accounting in organizations as a rational, objective...
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The relationship between law, foreign direct investment (FDI) and development is a neglected area of investigation, and this study seeks to contribute to the understanding of that relationship through an analysis of the legal regulation of FDI in Kuwait. As well as offering a general theoretical...
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This thesis is aimed at exploring and understanding important issues concerning the formation process of international strategic alliances of Thai financial enterprises (TFEs). International alliance strategies have been deployed as an important device to stabilise and internationalise a number...
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This study examines the use of principal component techniques in analysing term structures of interest rates. It employs original methods of estimating B-Spline models with endogenous knot positions and applies the method of Dierckx (1981) to generate new data sets for the study. The variability...
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This thesis deals with the issue of financial development in Egypt at the sectoral, macroeconomic and household levels over the period 1960-93. The thesis is organised in ten chapters, including a summary of the main results in chapter (10). Chapter (1) provides an introduction of the topics...
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Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is playing an increasingly important role in the economies of many less industrialised countries. The Caribbean, specifically Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad-Tobago are excellent examples of this phenomenon. The increased dependence of these countries on FDI calls...
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This aim of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive methodology for assessing performance and setting targets in multi-unit organisations in the financial sector. These are structured as networks- of decision making units (DMUs) that seek to operate efficiently, satisfy customer requirements...
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