Showing 91 - 100 of 858
Taylor rules, which link short-term interest rates to fluctuations in inflation and output, have been shown to be a good guide (both positively and normatively) to the conduct of monetary policy. As a result they have been used extensively to model policy in the context of both closed and open...
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This monograph examines the domain of classical political economy using the methodologies developed in recent years both by the new discipline of econo-physics and by computing science. This approach is used to re-examine the classical subdivisions of political economy: production, exchange,...
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In recent years, a number of developing countries have undergone extensive reforms in the financial sector. The effects of this underlying financial innovation process on the stability of demand for money have seldom been studied in the context of developing countries. Nevertheless, these...
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Prior research on capital structure by Rajan and Zingales (1995) suggests that the level of gearing in UK companies is positively related to size and tangibility, and negatively correlated with profitability and the level of growth opportunities. However, as argued by Harris and Raviv (1991),...
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This paper examines the stock market reaction to 402 company investment announcements made by UK companies during the 1991-1996 period. The market-adjusted abnormal returns are generally positive but small. Investment announcements are classified according to functional categories, and we find...
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We extend the recent literature concerning accounting based valuation models to investigate financial firms from six European countries with substantial financial sectors: France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK. Not only are these crucial industries worthy of study in their...
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Although the impact of growth opportunities on company value has been recognized since Miller and Modigliani (1961), relatively little empirical work has been undertaken to value growth opportunities. In this study the validity of the KBM model (Kester (1984) and Brealey and Myers (1981)) is...
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In this paper the gains and losses to shareholders of 71 foreign companies which made takeover bids for companies listed in the United Kingdom during the 1986-1991 period are analysed. The average abnormal return during the month of the bid announcement was positive, although not statistically...
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This paper assesses the impact of the publication of FRS No. 12, 'Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets' in 1998 on the share prices of UK companies. Although the standard affects all UK companies (restricting "big bath" provisions), it specifically requires extractive firms...
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This article analyses the determinants of the capital structure of 1054 UK companies from 1991 to 1997, and the extent to which the influence of these determinants are affected by time-invariant firm-specific heterogeneity. Comparing the results of pooled OLS and fixed effects panel estimation,...
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