Showing 21 - 30 of 142
The aim of master‘s thesis – analyze importance of investments for economics of the state, presumptions of international investments and their possibilities. In this work we try analysis of the process of investments, decision making about investments and schemes of collective investments....
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The thesis "An estimate of marketing strategy of company „Pro FUTURO”" deals with concepts of planning, strategy, marketing and marketing strategy, strategic planning and marketing strategic planning. The principal steps of marketing strategy formation are being disclosed in the paper. As...
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In the 2005 year the companies of the small and average business amounted up to 99,4 percentage of the all Lithuanian companies, they were engaged the 69,7 percentage of all Lithuanian staff and produced about 68,2 percentage of all Lithuanian surplus value. All the companies dependent on the...
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Trade is the oldest and most important form of inter-state economic relations. The present work deals with the international trade and the ways, forms, conditions and methods of its financing. Characteristics of international deals are also being dealt with together with the differences between...
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The assistance from the EU funds is a contribution to Lithuanian economic development, upturn in the economy, better quality of life and it plays the significant role for the environmental protection. The project is the main measure for using the EU support. The EU financed projects management...
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This theme is relevant due to several reasons. Privatization of government property, stocks publication of large and medium companies, creation of new stock company transformed Lithuanian economy. The stock companies appeared, securities market started to establish. The stock were invented and...
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Purpose of the research - to establish evolving trends in the retail, to estimate the development level of the retail networks and to evaluate attitude of the purchasers towards the development of networks. The research consists of two parts: Due to model delivered before the research was...
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Šio darbo tikslas nustatyti darbuotojų, dirbančių aptarnavimo ir pardavimo sferoje, vertybių ir perdegimo sąsajas. Naudojant Schwartz (2001) sudarytą „Portretinę vertybių skalę“ (Portrait Value Questionnaire - 40) bei Kristensen ir Borritz (2004) sudarytą „Kopenhagos perdegimo...
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Elektroninio verslo vadybos magistro baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali, nes nagrinėja modernių metodų taikymą tradicinių paslaugų įmonėse. Šiame darbe nagrinėjama vienos svarbiausių valstybės funkcijų – ryšių užtikrinimą ir palaikymą – teikiančios įmonės, AB ,,Lietuvos...
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Magistro baigiamojo darbo tema – Įmonių socialinė atsakomybė ir korporatyvinis valdymas – yra labai aktuali tiek mokslininkams, kurie analizuoja įmonių veiklą ir poveikį, tiek įmonių vadybininkams, kurie priimdami sprendimus turi pagalvoti apie įmonės poveikį...
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