Showing 11 - 20 of 94
Šiame darbe teoriniame ir praktiniame lygmenyse analizuojami karteliniai susitarimai. Teorinėje darbo dalyje analizuojami kartelio veikimo modeliai bei kartelių sukeliama žala ekonomikai, taip pat aptariami tyrimo metodai, kuriais gali būti nustatytas dėl kartelinių susitarimų atsiradęs...
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This paper analyses the recently approved Lithuanian profit tax incentive for research and development [R&D] and measures the possible increase in business R&D intensity in the country due to the before mentioned tax incentive. Apart from this, it provides the expert opinion on the importance of...
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The evaluation of foreign direct investment (FDI) and economic growth relation plays important role in creating targeted, economic growth inducing policies. This bachelor thesis investigates the impact of FDI on economic growth in Lithuania. In the framework of endogenous growth theory three...
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Šiame bakalauro baigiamajame darbe yra išsamiai atskleista darbo problema – skirtingas įmonės vertės metodų taikymas ir jų pateikimas derybų metu - argumentuotai nustatoma UAB ,,Palmusta“ vertė ir pateikiami pasiūlymai apie tikėtinus verslo vertės svyravimus esant tam tikrai...
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Business cycle is one of the main concept describing an economy and its dynamics. As a young free-market economy Lithuania is also under effect of this phenomenon. Therefore, some consequent uncertainty occurs which market players have to deal with. The main objective of this paperwork is to...
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The aim of the study is to verify a hypothesis, whether a company’s financial statement items can be modelled using econometric techniques incorporating accounting and macroeconomic variables. For the modelling and forecasting are selected items, necessary to calculate a company’s free cash...
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In this Master‘s Thesis the Baltic Stock Exchange’s (Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian) efficiency is valued for the period of 2004-2009. This thesis aims to evaluate the reaction of Baltic stock exchange to quarterly financial statement announcements. To reach this aim the concept of market...
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Šiame darbe teoriniame ir praktiniame lygmenyse analizuojami Lietuvos akcijų krypties investiciniai fondai. Teorinėje darbo dalyje apžvelgiama fondų rinkos vystymasis, nagrinėjami investicijų grąžos rezultatų įvertinimo modeliai, jų raida laike bei pritaikymas praktikoje. Darbe...
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In this paper dependence between credit default swap (CDS) values and stock price movements of the largest European banking groups is examined and effectiveness of the usage of CDS contracts as a tool to hedge exposure to the price movements of the underlying stock during the pre-crisis and...
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Uždaroji akcinė bendrovė „Naujasis Nevėžis“ įkurta 1991 m. antrame pagal dydį Lietuvos mieste — Kaune. Įmonė didžiąją dalį savo produkcijos ženklina „Oho!“ prekiniu ženklu, kuris tampa vis labiau populiarus ne tik Lietuvoje, bet ir kaimyninėse valstybėse. Paskutiniais...
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