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This open access book is a collection of 12 case studies capturing decades of experience improving health care and outcomes in low- and middle-income countries. Each case study is written by healthcare managers and providers who have implemented health improvement projects using quality...
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This thesis empirically analyzes the determinants of national health care expenditures in the United States and five other industrialized economies. A reduced-form model for national health care expenditures, based upon a partial-adjustment mechanism, is specified as a function of supply and...
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This research is concerned with estimating the relationship between the occurrence of metastases and the size of primary cancers. We are interested in finding the distribution functions of tumor sizes at the points of nodal metastatic and distant metastatic transitions. Understanding the...
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U.S. businesses have overwhelmingly approached employee health from a cost management, rather than investment, perspective. This singular focus on costs is likely due to lack of clarity regarding the potential of employee health to be a value creating organizational resource and the underlying...
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Vaccine development represents a special case where historically, public health priorities are central. Trends of privatization have increased the role played by pharmaceutical and biotech companies in developing new biomedical technologies. As the innovative science behind new medical...
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In much of applied statistics variables of interest are measured with error. In particular, regression with covariates that are subject to measurement error requires adjustment to avoid biased estimates and invalid inference. We consider two aspects of this problem. Detection Limits (DL) arise...
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Dental personnel planning is important in formulating policy in dental education, dental public health programs, and dental care delivery systems. The purpose of this literature review is to illustrate the use of dentist-to-population ratios, need-based models, and demand-based models in the...
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In this dissertation, we study three problems related to statisticalinference under order restrictions of the unknown parameters. Thefirst two deal with Cox regression models with missing data, where the baseline cumulative function satisfies a monotone restriction, and the third problem...
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A standard approach to the analysis of skewed response data with concomitant information is to use a log-transformation to normalize the distribution of the response variable and then conduct a log- regression analysis. However, the mean response at original scale is often of interest....
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We consider the situation of two ordered categorical variables and a binary outcome variable, where one or both of the categorical variables may have missing values. The goal is to estimate the probability of response of the outcome variable for each cell of the contingency table of categorical...
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