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. We measure the value of funding liquidity from the cross-section of on-the-run premia by adding a liquidity factor to an … arbitrage-free term structure model. As predicted, we find that funding liquidity explains the cross-section of risk premia. An … increase in the value of liquidity predicts lower risk premia for on-the-run and off-the-run bonds but higher risk premia on …
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Building on the facility design and application experience from the period of the global financial crisis, in March 2020 the Federal Reserve eased the terms on its standing swap lines in collaboration with other central banks, reactivated temporary swap agreements, and then introduced the new...
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This paper models the important role that repurchase agreements (repos) play in bond market intermediation. Not only do repos allow dealers to finance their activities, but they also increase dealers' ability to satisfy levered client demands without having to adjust their holdings of risky...
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We estimate a dynamic no-arbitrage term structure model that jointly prices the cross-section of Treasury bonds and special repo rates. We show that special repo rates on on-the-run Treasuries can explain almost 80% of the on-the-run premium, but only after incorporating a time-varying risk...
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We estimate the joint term-structure of U.S. Treasury cash and repo rates using daily prices of all outstanding Treasury securities and corresponding special collateral (SC) repo rates. This allows us to derive a risk premium associated to the SC value of Treasuries and quantitatively link this...
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