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Die Bachelor-Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Mobile Marketing, das sich imWerbemarkt etablieren möchte. Es wird die Frage diskutiert, ob sich dasmoderne Werbemedium ergänzend oder ersetzend, im Gegenzug zu denklassischen Werbemitteln, entwickeln kann und akzeptiert wird. Ziel derArbeit ist es die...
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The important role of friends, neighbors and colleagues in shaping individual choices has been brought out in a number of studies over the years. The presence of significant 'local' influence in shaping individual behavior suggests that firms, governments and developmental agencies should...
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Advertisements provide consumers with knowledge about private products, whereas political information is required to provide voters with knowledge of public issues. Modern information technologies and globalisation are increasing the exposure of individuals to information. Goods advertising is...
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Two firms produce a product with a horizontal and a vertical characteristic. We call the vertical characteristic quality. The difference in the quality levels determines how the firms share the market. Firms know the quality levels, consumers do not. Under non-comparative advertising a firm may...
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Pricing strategies may include the advertising of meeting-the-competition clauses (MCCs). We show in a specific spatial model scenario with differently informed consumers that MCCs primarily serve as a device to facilitate collusion instead of allowing for price discrimination between these...
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Dieser Beitrag untersucht die für die Medienwirtschaft relevanten Märkte mit einfachen Marktmodellen. Im Zentrum stehen die Interdependenzen zwischen Konsumgüter-, Werbe- und Medienmärkten, wobei die wichtige Rolle der Werbemärkte als ökonomischer Motor der Medienwirtschaft besonders...
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This paper studies the relationship between three key elements of the marketing mix, namely, price, product, and promotion, in a model where a seller employs informative advertising to launch a new product. We propose a fairly general advertising technology for the study of three promotional...
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We consider a duopoly in a homogenous goods market where part of the consumers are ex ante uninformed about prices. Information can come through two different channels: advertising and sequential consumer search. We arrive at the following results. First, there is no monotone relationship...
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We model the idea that when consumers search for products, they first visit the firm whose advertising is more salient. The gains a firm derives from being visited early increase in search costs, so equilibrium advertising increases as search costs rise. This may result in lower firm profits...
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[Begrüßung:] (...) Das diesjährige Symposium hat das Anliegen, Theorie und Empirie, Wissenschaft und Praxis, Hochschule und Unternehmen zusammenzubringen, sich über die kommunikativen Aspekte der Wirtschafts- und Unternehmenskommunikation vor dem Hintergrund von Diversity, Inklusion und...
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