Showing 101 - 110 of 267
Gardner's 1985 review has been a tremendous help to my research. For many years, I wouldn't leave home without it. I have no doubt that the sequel will also be of lasting use to me, as well as to numerous others, especially those starting out on research in this area. The updated review provides...
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Rainer Göb, Kristina Lurz and Antonio Pievatolo (hereinafter GLP) address a very important issue in power systems management—load forecasting. Generally, load forecasting is concerned with the accurate prediction of the electric load (or demand) for specific geographical locations and over...
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We present new autoregressive logit models for forecasting the probability of a time series of financial asset returns exceeding a threshold. The models can be estimated by maximizing a Bernoulli likelihood. Alternatively, to account for the extent to which an observation does or does not exceed...
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The efficient management of wind farms and electricity systems benefit greatly from accurate wind power quantile forecasts. For example, when a wind power producer offers power to the market for a future period, the optimal bid is a quantile of the wind power density. An approach based on...
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The recent advent of smart meters has led to large micro-level datasets. For the first time, the electricity consumption at individual sites is available on a near real-time basis. Efficient management of energy resources, electric utilities, and transmission grids, can be greatly facilitated by...
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Electricity demand forecasts are needed for decisions regarding generation dispatch for lead times as short as just a few minutes. Imbalance between generation and demand causes deviation of the system frequency from its target, which in Great Britain is 50 Hz. This, in turn, causes a change in...
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The recent advent of smart meters has led to large micro-level datasets. For the first time, the electricity consumption at individual sites is available on a near real-time basis. Efficient management of energy resources, electric utilities, and transmission grids, can be greatly facilitated by...
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