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This paper proposes a representative agent habit-formation model where preferences are defined for both luxury goods and basic goods. The model matches the equity risk premium, risk-free rate, and volatilities. From the intratemporal first-order condition, one can substitute out basic good...
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The paper investigates the role of the Intertemporal Elasticity of Substitution (IES ) in determining the equity premium. This is done in an overlapping generations economy populated by agents that live for 2 periods and maximize a Kihlstrom-Mirman expected utility function. The equity premium...
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We analyze financial risk premiums and real economic dynamics in a DSGE model with three types of agents - shareholders, bondholders and workers - that differ in participation in the capital market and in terms of risk aversion. Aggregate productivity and distribution risk are shared among these...
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We examine the optimal saving decision of individuals who face a multiplicative risk. An individual is defined to be multiplicative risk prudent if multiplying a pure risk to her future wealth raises her optimal savings. We show that convex marginal utility is not sufficient to induce...
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For the first time in the literature, this paper extends the CCAPM to establish the empirical relations between equity premia and state-dependent consumption and market risks. These relations are derived from a flexible, yet tractable, mixture distribution admitting the existence of two regimes,...
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This paper offers an ambiguity-based interpretation of variance premium --- the difference between risk-neutral and objective expectations of market return variance --- as a compounding effect of both belief distortion and variance differential regarding the uncertain economic regimes. Our...
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We examine a production-based asset pricing model with an unobservable mean growth rate ollowing a two-state Markov chain and with an ambiguity averse representative agent. Our model requires a low coefficient of relative risk aversion to produce: (i) a high equity premium and volatile equity...
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Recently much progress has been made in developing optimal portfolio choice models accomodating time-varying opportunity sets, but unless investors are unreasonably risk averse, optimal holdings include unreasonably large equity positions. One reason is that most studies assume investors behave...
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The large spread between equity returns and risk-free rates (the "equity premium puzzle") has been the subject of intense debate. Two main families of models claim to solve this puzzle: habit-formation models and loss-aversion models. The goal of this paper is to assess empirically which of them...
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This paper integrates dynamic loss aversion and individual narrow framing in the investor utility function. The paper investigates investor behavior following the public announcement of earnings. To do this, the author optimizes the objective function of investor preference and analyzes to what...
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