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In 2009 has been published at Academy of Economic Studies Publishing House of Bucharest, Romania, the book „Urban Waste Management. European Comparative perspective”, written by Stefan Gabriel Burcea. The paper was published with the support of CNCSIS project, TD Program, contract no....
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The paper focuses on the specifics of public policies process in three countries: two of them are European Union members - Spain, and Portugal - and the third is located on the American continent - Canada. Choosing the three countries is due to the fact that the issues presented have a common...
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This article analyses the consultation process and its role in reforming the Romanian penitentiary system. Nowaday, the consultation process is considered an area where innovation and new approaches are most in evidence, involving new groups often ignored. The benefits of consultation are...
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Global economy underwent profound changes in the last fifteen years, which determined the appearance of a new economy – the knowledge economy. This economy is the result of the knowledge revolution, which gets a greater and greater importance. Knowledge development is also very important in...
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In this paper we analyzed the public policy planning and making process at central level in Romania. In recent years, significant progresses concerning this process which is coordinated by the General Secretariat of the Government were made. These regarded the consolidation of government's...
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Aceasta lucrare descrie rolul pe care il au instrumentele extraordinare in reexaminarea unei politici publice. Accentul este pus pe comisiile regale, care au ca scop asigurarea revizuirii fundamentale a politicilor publice. Necesitatea utilizarii Comisiilor regale in solutionarea problemelor din...
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Acest articol pune accentul pe rolul cunostintelor in organizatiile publice si pe modul in care acestea pot fi transferate de la o generatie la alta, luandu-se in considerare faptul ca fiecare generatie in parte are specificul ei. In aceasta lucrare sunt evidentiate de asemenea si principalele...
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In acest articol sunt prezentate cele cinci categorii de actori implicati in procesul politicilor publice: oficialii alesi, oficialii numiti (functionarii publici), grupurile de interese, organizatiile de cercetare si mass media. Aceste categorii de actori nu sunt omogene, datorita faptului ca...
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Termenul de oras inteligent se refera la abilitatea administratiei orasului de a colabora cu stakeholderii din mediul urban in scopul obtinerii unor beneficii reciproce. Aparitia oraselor inteligente necesita o colaborare intensa intre municipalitate si sectorul public, dar si intre aceasta si...
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In esenta, ciclul politicilor publice, adica procesul de infaptuire a politicilor publice, explica politicile ca pe o succesiune logica de "pasi": stabilirea agendei, formularea politicii, implementarea si evaluarea acesteia. In cadrul acestui proces expertiza joaca un rol important in toate...
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