Showing 91 - 100 of 819
This paper examines the macroeconomic determinants of migrants' remittances dynamics. The study uses panel VAR methods in order to compensate for both data limitations and endogeneity among variables. The analysis considers annual data for 14 Latin and Caribbean countries over the period...
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This research focus on the congestion cost of the Parisian ring-road. We mobilize a speed-density relation which enables us to differentiate the costs of the road's use and its congestion according to speed-classes of 5 km/h. We lead this work at three analytical scales thanks to a large...
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In the dynamic game we consider, players are the members of a fixed network. Everyone is initially endowed with an information item that he is the only paper to hold. Players are offered a finite number of periods to centralize the initially dispersed items in the hands of any one member of the...
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In a discrete time option pricing framework, we compare the empirical performance of two pricing methodologies, namely the affine stochastic discount factor and the empirical martingale correction methodologies. Using a CAC 40 options dataset, the differences are found to be small : the higher...
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This article analyzes the behavior of a producer of a legal addictive good (tobacco, alcohol or gambling) facing a demand with social interactions, especially a deterrence effect of heavy use on initiation. We simulate an epidemic model to estimate at what conditions it could be interesting for...
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This paper contributes to the discussion of the compatibility of consumers' behavior in "real" life with GARP. Within expenditure panel data we observe a relatively low rate of violation (240 out of 3630 households). We show that these violations do not imply an "irrational" behavior of the...
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This paper studies the undiscounted utilitarian optimal paths of the canonical Dasgupta-Heal-Solow model when the stock of natural capital is a direct argument of well-being, besides consumption. We use a Keynes-Ramsey rule wich yields a generalization of Hartwick's rule : if society has a zero...
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This paper provides evidence that local social interactions within etnic groups may explain the puzzling variations in labour-market outcomes across individuals. Peer effects work first by creating pressure on labor-market participation, second, by conveying information about job opportunities...
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This research focuses on individuals who consider they have been victims of discrimination. The aim is to look at the feeling of discrimination and to assess its effects on career paths seven years after leaving school. Taking data from the Class of 98 (Génération 98) survey by the Céreq, we...
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In this paper, we study the existence of an intertemporal equilibrium in a Ramsey model with heterogenous discounting, elastic labor supply and borrowing constraints. Applying a fixed-point argument by Gale and Mas-Colell (1975), we prove the existence of an equilibrium in a truncated bounded...
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