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This paper examines how technological innovations drive fast trading investment for both speculators and exchanges and their impact on market. The negative externality of the speed acquisition from fast speculators can result in excessive investment, which is intensified as speculators' speed...
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We consider a canonical asset pricing model, where agents with quadratic preferences are allowed to retrade a limited set of securities over multiple periods, after which these securities expire, and agents consume their liquidation values. A key assumption in this model is that agents have...
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We allow a strategic trader to choose when to acquire information about an asset's payoff, instead of endowing her with it. When the trader dynamically controls the precision of a flow of information, the optimal precision evolves stochastically and increases with market liquidity. However,...
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Speed hierarchy not only motivates fast trading competition on less precise information but also renders slower traders more informative. As a result, endogenous speed acquisition in equilibrium affects how information is produced and spread. When information diffusion is characterized by its...
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Technical analysis (TA) is modeled as a method to infer market liquidity demand. Risk-averse market makers supply immediacy to an informed trader and uninformed technical traders, who conduct TA and trade strategically, and to liquidity traders, who trade randomly. Price change is positively...
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Traders differ in speed and their speed differences matter. I model strategic interactions induced when high frequency traders (HFTs) have different speeds in an extended Kyle (1985) framework. HFTs are assumed to anticipate incoming orders and trade rapidly to exploit normal-speed traders'...
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During currency crises, large traders once simultaneously short the asset markets and currency market. We study the large trader's information manipulation in crises by introducing a large trader in an asset market and a currency-attack coordination game with imperfect information. The asset...
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Systematic mispricing primarily affects speculative stocks and predominantly results in overpricing, predicting lower average returns. Because speculative stocks overlap with stocks deemed risky by rational models, failing to control for exposure to systematic mispricing can bias tests of...
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Speed is a salient feature of modern financial markets. This paper studies investors' speed acquisition, alongside their information acquisition. Speed heterogeneity arises in equilibrium, fragmenting the information aggregation process temporally and affecting price informativeness...
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Concepts from information theory are utilized to study the effects of entropy on the behavior of finance systems and variables of interest. From this analysis, a common entropic measure was derived that determines the structure and evolution of a wide variety of financial topologies. This...
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