Showing 1 - 10 of 693
Close orientation with the market is essential for innovation success! Although both academics and market research practitioners would generally agree with this statement, alignment with the needs of the customer often results in conservative innovation strategies. Due to their focus on what is...
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Kundenorientierung ist entscheidend für den Innovationserfolg!; Obwohl dem Wissenschaftler und Praktiker in der Marktforschung grundsätzlich zustimmen dürften, ist mit der konsequenten Ausrichtung auf die Kundenbedürfnisse gleichzeitig der Nachteil einer konservativen Innovationspolitik...
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Die Diskussion Market Pull versus Technology Push hat in der betriebswirtschaftlichen Innovationsforschung bereits eine gewisse Tradition. Die hierzu durchgeführten empirischen Untersuchungen sind insbesondere der Frage nachgegangen, welche der beiden Vorgehens-weisen welchen Einfluss auf den...
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Discussion of market pull versus technology push approaches in the field of busi-ness innovation research has followed a certain trend. The empirical research under-taken until now has been concerned in particular with the question of how each of these approaches differently influence the...
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Recent years have seen the emergence of low-cost innovations targeted at economically weaker sections of the society, seeking to align business with social welfare. In many instances, results on the ground have been, however, rather sobering as firms have generally (probably justifiably) worried...
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Within this paper we examine the strategic perspective of the emerging phenomenon of performance-oriented systems (e.g. car-sharing, cloud computing). Based on twenty-seven system examples from four industries, we derive six founding propositions that delineate their strategic characteristics...
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Prior research on user innovation has concentrated on markets in which products (e.g., mountain bikes, kitesurfing equipment, tools, etc.) are typically purchased by those users who modify them. However, in numerous markets, this is not the case, for example, those in which equipment is rented....
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The trend of population aging is affecting an increasing number of countries around the world, especially advanced economies. One consequence of a growing population share of aged persons is a shift in consumer needs, reflected by a rising number of products and services designed particularly...
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High-tech, German companies are facing a curious problem: their products are reportedly too good for the expanding global markets. So in a way they get penalised for offering a superlative quality. At a second glance, though, this doesn't seem surprising. For, succeeding in the emerging markets...
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