Showing 15,841 - 15,850 of 15,897
This paper assesses the contribution of laboratory experiments to the economics of design applied to the electricity industry. The analysis is dedicated to wholesale markets, and reviews the results accumulated to date concerning both the general architecture of power markets and the very...
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This paper shows that if a very small, exogenously given probability of terminating the exchange is introduced in an elementary investment game, more reciprocators will choose the defection strategy. Everything happens as if they "hide behind probabilities" in order to break the trust...
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Cet article présente un modèle théorique et empirique de la zone euro, en mettant en perspective le rôle de la monnaie. Le modèle s'inscrit dans le cadre " Nouveaux Keynésiens-DSGE ", la monnaie étant introduite dans la fonction d'utilité des ménages sous une forme non-séparable. En...
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Nous sommes probablement à l'aube d'une évolution radicale du rôle des taxis dans la mobilité urbaine avec d'une part des besoins croissants pour des services personnalisés que les taxis sont les plus aptes à offrir, et d'autre part, la perspective de voir se desserrer les deux freins à...
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Les ingénieurs économistes français avaient accueilli avec beaucoup de réticences l'œuvre de Walras. Ils ne pensaient pas que l'emploi des mathématiques puisse constituer une méthode normale même en économie politique pure. Progressivement leurs réticences s'estompèrent quand ils...
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The aim of this contribution is two-fold: On the one hand, we wish to show that Polanyi considers institution to be a concept, as is clearly demonstrated by an analysis of the role of money in his work. In this perspectives, it seems relevant to stress the theoretical similarities between some...
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This article analyzes how the actual and expected future activities of French Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) analysts may reveal a convergence process between SRI decisions and traditional financial investment decisions, that is a form of "mainstreaming" of SRI processes, by asking the...
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Multi-echelon distribution schemes are one of the most common strategies adopted by the transport companies in an aim of cost reduction, but their identification in scientific literature is not always easy due to a lack of unification. This paper presents the main concepts of two-echelon...
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We present the leading hypotheses of a work in progress aiming at testing and comparing neural activities in the case of a cognitive illusion (the bat-and-ball illusion) and in the case of a typical instance of framing effects. We focus on contrasted answers linked to Stanovich's system 1 vs...
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Public authorities often invoke the precautionary principle to ban or postpone the development of innovative projects with uncertain but potentially harmful irreversible impacts on the environment or health. As stated in the Rio declaration, the precautionary principle suggests balancing costs...
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