Showing 31,221 - 31,230 of 31,318
Considering the starting point for research the Central Bank key role in economic life, through the implementation of the monetary policy, by exercising prudential control and supervision of commercial banks, the present paper proposes an analysis of the National Bank of Romania monetary policy...
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The Euro Crisis has stopped the process of the European financial integration and triggered a strong repatriation of debt from foreign to domestic investors. We investigate this empirical pattern in light of competing theories of cross-border portfolio allocation. Three empirical regularities...
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The current economic crisis has highlighted that a well-functioning financial system is significantly important for economic growth. This study investigated factors affecting housing finance supply in Albania. Housing Finance is a major factor determining the quality and tenure of housing...
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Most explanations of the current economic and financial crisis focus on its financial causes. Often missing in these explanations is a discussion of how the seeds of the crisis were sown by economic policies in major countries that fostered the growth of global imbalances during the 2000s....
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Our paper provides a complete characterization of leverage and default in binomial economies with financial assets serving as collateral. First, our Binomial No-Default Theorem states that any equilibrium is equivalent (in real allocations and prices) to another equilibrium in which there is no...
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We review the theory of leverage developed in collateral equilibrium models with incomplete markets. We explain how leverage tends to boost asset prices, and create bubbles. We show how leverage can be endogenously determined in equilibrium, and how it depends on volatility. We describe the...
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The causes of the financial crisis of 2007-09 are many and varied. Indeed, the crisis may be viewed as the product of a perfect storm. This paper identifies the major culprits or sinners of the U.S. crisis and enumerates their more important sins. The culprits include central bankers, commercial...
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A dozen years ago, Randall Kroszner, soon to be one of George W. Bush’s economic advisors and a Governor of the Federal Reserve, could comment in a Levy Institute seminar, without fear of contradiction, that there was no evidence to back the "public interest rationale" for the separation of...
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A cikkben a magyar fedezetlen bankközi forintpiac hálózatának időbeli alakulását vizsgáljuk 2002 decemberétől 2009 márciusáig. Bemutatjuk a piac általános jellemzőit (forgalom, kamatláb, koncentráció stb.) és az alapvető hálózati mutatókat. Azt tapasztaljuk, hogy az...
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A 2008 őszén Magyarországot is elérő pénzügyi-gazdasági válság súlyosan érintette a bankszektort. A kedvezőtlen hatásokat kezdetben felerősítette a nyugat-európai kormányok protekcionista politikája, ami hátrányos versenyfeltételeket teremtett a kelet-közép-európai...
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