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models are more likely to have generated the data. In particular, despite its generality, a model with both risk aversion and …
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We develop a general equilibrium model of earnings, income and wealth heterogeneity in continuous time. We extend existing analytical and numerical methods to solve the model. We calibrate the model to U.S. data and find that stochastic interest rates provide a mechanism to link earnings, income...
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This paper studies the aggregate and distributional effects of raising the top marginal income tax rate in the presence of tax avoidance. To this end, we develop a quantitative macroeconomic model with heterogeneous agents and occupational choice in which entrepreneurs can avoid taxes in two...
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models with shared risk and production. It was prompted by the accidental discovery that, if made more precise, the common …
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in preferences for risk. It develops a model with risk aversion heterogeneity, uninsurable idiosyncratic income risk, and … that the role of risk aversion heterogeneity is quantitatively important. When estimating the risk aversion distribution … risk preference heterogeneity has a first order effect on the aggregate allocations. …
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in preference heterogeneity. It develops a model with both uninsurable idiosyncratic income risk and risk aversion … heterogeneity to quantify their effects on wealth inequality. The results show that with the available estimates of the risk …, the share of wealth held by the top 1% is still substantially underestimated. It is also shown that models without risk …
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economy. This is a calibrated GE model with incomplete markets and uninsurable income risk, designed to quantify the size of …. The parameters affecting most significantly precautionary savings are the risk aversion and the standard deviation of the …
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economy. This is a calibrated GE model with incomplete markets and uninsurable income risk, designed to quantify the size of …. The parameters affecting most significantly precautionary savings are the risk aversion and the standard deviation of the …
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account for these empirical facts, I develop a theory based on an otherwise standard incomplete-markets OLG model with ex …) face uninsurable labor market risk henceforth; (iii) and make Pareto-efficient decisions if married. In a calibrated …
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models are more likely to have generated the data. In particular, despite its generality, a model with both risk aversion and …
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