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LetX1, ..., Xnbe observations from a multivariate AR(p) model with unknown orderp. A resampling procedure is proposed for estimating the orderp. The classical criteria, such as AIC and BIC, estimate the orderpas the minimizer of the function[formula]wherenis the sample size,kis the order...
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We present a new parametric model for the angular measure of a multivariate extreme value distribution. Unlike many parametric models that are limited to the bivariate case, the flexible model can describe the extremes of random vectors of dimension greater than two. The novel construction...
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Let Mt be the maximum of a recurrent one-dimensional diffusion up till time t. Under appropriate conditions, there exists a distribution function F such that P(Mt[less-than-or-equals, slant]x) - Ft(x)--0as t and x go to infinity. This reduces the asymptotic behavior of the maximum to that of the...
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Many real-life time series exhibit clusters of outlying observations that cannot be adequately modeled by a Gaussian distribution. Heavy-tailed distributions such as the Pareto distribution have proved useful in modeling a wide range of bursty phenomena that occur in areas as diverse as finance,...
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A limit theory was developed in the papers of Davis and Dunsmuir (1996) and Davis et al. (1995) for the maximum likelihood estimator, based on a Gaussian likelihood, of the moving average parameter in an MA(1) model when is equal to or close to 1. Using the local parameterization, , where is the...
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We study the problem of estimating autoregressive parameters when the observations are from an AR process with innovations in the domain of attraction of a stable law. We show that non-degenerate limit laws exist for M-estimates if the loss function is sufficiently smooth; these results remain...
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We consider two estimation procedures, Gauss-Newton and M-estimation, for the parameters of an ARMA (p,q) process when the innovations belong to the domain of attraction of a nonnormal stable distribution. The Gauss-Newton or iterative least squares estimate is shown to have the same limiting...
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We consider estimates motivated by extreme value theory for the correlation parameter of a first-order autoregressive process whose innovation distribution F is either positive or supported on a finite interval. In the positive support case, F is assumed to be regularly varying at zero, whereas...
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We consider a simple bilinear process Xt=aXt-1+bXt-1Zt-1+Zt, where (Zt) is a sequence of iid N(0,1) random variables. It follows from a result by Kesten (1973, Acta Math. 131, 207-248) that Xt has a distribution with regularly varying tails of index [alpha]0 provided the equation Ea+bZ1u=1 has...
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