Showing 471 - 480 of 531
Systemic weather risk is a major obstacle for the formation of private (nonsubsidized) crop insurance. This paper explores the possibility of spatial diversification of insurance by estimating the joint occurrence of unfavorable weather conditions in different locations. For that purpose copula...
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Since the mid-1990s, agricultural economists have discussed the relevance of index-based insurances, also called “weather derivatives”, as hedging instruments for volumetric risks in agriculture. Motivated by the question of how weather derivatives should be priced for agricultural firms,...
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Es ist seit langem bekannt, dass das Wetter den Hauptunsicherheitsfaktor in der pflanzlichen Produktion darstellt. Seit einiger Zeit wird der Einsatz von Wetterderivaten zur Absicherung gegen wetterbedingte Ertragsschwankungen diskutiert. In diesem Beitrag wird am Beispiel ei-nes...
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This study examines rainfall variability and its implications for wheat production risk in northeast Germany. The hedging effectiveness of rainfall options and the role of geographical basis risk are analyzed using a daily precipitation model. Simpler pricing methods such as the burn analysis...
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Das Vertrauen der Konsumenten in gesunde Nahrungsmittel wird regelmäßig durch Lebensmittelskandale erschüttert. Im Zusammenhang mit der Diskussion von Maßnahmen, die seitens der Produzenten und/oder des Staates ergriffen werden, um Nahrungsmittelsicherheit zu gewährleisten, stellt sich die...
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Investment behavior at the firm level is characterized by lumpy adjustments and frequent periods of inactivity. Low investment rates are particularly puzzling in transition economies where an urgent need of modernization exists. The literature offers two explanations for. Firstly,...
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