Showing 19,241 - 19,250 of 19,887
related to the Market Share (MARKSHARE) and the Rate of Geographic Location (RAGELOC). However, the occurrence of loss is … loss severity. Originality/value – Despite the absence of the quantitative data of operational risk, this article will …
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This paper investigates whether the ownership structure influences the risk taking of the Tunisian quoted banks over the period 2000-2008. Overall, it can be gathered from the results of this study that the effect of ownership structure on bank risk taking varies according to the type of risk....
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Venezuelan commercial and universal banks, as many banks in the rest of the world, are exposed to financial risks (credit risk, liquidity risk) and to operational risks. In this paper, the main relationships between the risks factors faced by banks and relevant economic variables are analysed,...
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The phenomenon of current financial market globalization is accompanied by increasing manifestation of the risks related to operations in the financial market. Therefore it can be considered that capital adequacy to operational risk is a current research topic whose purpose is to valuate its...
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of the statistical severity distribution of a single loss. We analyze the fundamental issues that arise in practice when …
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One of the main topics in operational risk is the estimation of loss severity distribution. Numerous parametric …
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In this paper we propose a novel approach to measure risks, when the data available are expressed in an ordinal scale. As a result we obtain a new index of risk bounded between 0 and 1, that leads to a risk ordering that is consistent with a stochastic dominance approach. The proposed measure,...
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The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) defined operational risk (OR) as the risk of losses resulting from the inadequacy or failures in the internal processes, people and systems, or from external events. This definition includes the legal risk but excludes strategic and reputational...
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High-frequency returns of the DAX German blue chip stock index are used to test geometric Brownian motion, the standard model for financial time series. Even on a 15-s time scale, the linear correlations of DAX returns have a zero-time delta function which carries 90% of the weight, while the...
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The debt crisis in Greece and the resulting haircut on sovereign bonds (known as PSI) adversely affected bank capital and resulted in state funds being required to recapitalize the banks. During that process, several questions arose about the meaning of capital adequacy in banks. This paper...
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