Showing 151 - 160 of 700
We present a new procedure for detecting multiple additive outliers in GARCH(1,1) models at unknown dates. The outlier candidates are the observations with the largest standardized residual. First, a likelihood-ratio based test determines the presence and timing of an outlier. Next, a second...
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Data from R.A. Fisher, 1936, on the characteristics of 50 iris flowers of three species: iris setosa, iris versicolor and iris virginica. Four characteristics are recorded for each flower: sepal length, sepal width, petal width, and petal length.
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We discuss computational aspects of likelihood-based estimation of univariate ARFIMA (p,d,q) models. We show how efficient computation and simulation is feasible, even for large samples. We also discuss the implementation of analytical bias corrections.
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We suggest a convenient version of the omnibus test for normality, using skewness and kurtosis based on Shenton and Bowman ["Journal of the American Statistical Association" (1977) Vol. 72, pp. 206-211], which controls well for size, for samples as low as 10 observations. A multivariate version...
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We present a new procedure for detecting multiple additive outliers in GARCH(1,1) models at unknown dates. The outlier candidates are the observations with the largest standardized residual. First, a likelihood-ratio based test determines the presence and timing of an outlier. Next, a second...
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The distribution of a functional of two correlated vector-Brownian motions is approximated by a Gamma distribution. This functional represents the limiting distribution for cointegration tests with stationary exogenous regressors, but also for cointegration tests based on a non-Gaussian...
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