Showing 81 - 90 of 591
This paper shows that jumps in financial asset prices are often erroneously identified and are, in fact, rare events accounting for a very small proportion of the total price variation. We apply new econometric techniques to a comprehensive set of ultra high-frequency equity and foreign exchange...
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This paper presents some asymptotic results for statistics of Brownian semi-stationary (BSS) processes. More precisely, we consider power variations of BSS processes, which are based on high frequency (possibly higher order) differences of the BSS model. We review the limit theory discussed by...
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This paper introduces a new estimator to measure the ex-post covariation between high-frequency financial time series under market microstructure noise.  We provide an asymptotic limit theory (including feasible central limit theorems) for standard methods such as regression, correlation...
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This paper presents a goodness-of-fit test for the volatility function of a SDE driven by a Gaussian process with stationary and centered increments. Under rather weak assumptions on the Gaussian process, we provide a procedure for testing whether the unknown volatility function lies in a given...
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This paper presents a Hayashi–Yoshida-type estimator for the covariation matrix of continuous Itô semimartingales observed with noise. The coordinates of the multivariate process are assumed to be observed at highly frequent non-synchronous points. The estimator of the covariation matrix is...
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In this paper we present a test for the maximal rank of the matrix-valued volatility process in the continuous Ito semimartingale framework. Our idea is based upon a random perturbation of the original high frequency observations of an Ito semimartingale, which opens the way for rank testing. We...
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In this paper, we present a realized range-based multipower variation theory, which can be used to estimate return variation and draw jump-robust inference about the diffusive volatility component, when a high-frequency record of asset prices is available. The standard range-statistic--routinely...
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In this paper we present the central limit theorem for general functions of the increments of Brownian semimartingales. This provides a natural extension of the results derived in Barndorff-Nielsen, Graversen, Jacod, Podolskij and Shephard (2006), who showed the central limit theorem for even...
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In this paper, we present a realised range-based multipower variation theory, which can be used to estimate return variation and draw jump-robust inference about the diffusive volatility component, when a high-frequency record of asset prices is available. The standard range-statistic –...
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This paper presents new results on the Edgeworth expansion for high frequency functionals of continuous diffusion processes. We derive asymptotic expansions for weighted functionals of the Brownian motion and apply them to provide the Edgeworth expansion for power variation of diffusion...
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