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Critical point on variance swap pricing is established …
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Supported by empirical examples, this paper provides a theoretical analysis on the impacts of using a suboptimal information set for the estimation of the empirical pricing kernel and, more in general, for the validity of the fundamental theorems of asset pricing. While inferring the...
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This paper proposes a new approach to measure premiums for volatility and jump risks in option markets. These risks are … captured by a multi-factor jump-diffusion model for the joint evolution of the underlying and the implied volatility surface … variables such as the volatility and jump-intensity of the underlying. This allows us to dynamically calibrate these variables …
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volatility. In the model, consistent with survey evidence, following positive (negative) stock returns, investors expect future … returns to be higher (lower) but also less (more) volatile. The biased volatility expectation introduces a new channel through …
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treatment considers models with market incompleteness and sources of volatility uncertainty …
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and the non-normality assumption on moment risk premia and the implied volatility curves …
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The illiquidity of long-maturity options has made it difficult to study the term structures of option spanning portfolios. This paper proposes a new estimation and inference framework for these option-implied term structures that addresses long-maturity illiquidity. By building a sieve estimator...
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Spreads of agency mortgage-backed securities (MBS) vary significantly in the cross section and over time, but the sources of this variation are not well understood. We document that, in the cross section, MBS spreads adjusted for the prepayment option show a pronounced smile with respect to the...
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