Showing 25,511 - 25,520 of 25,653
This study investigates the dynamics of inflation for Turkish economy from 1990 to until 2013 under the New Keynesian Philips Curve framework by using the non-causal time series methodology developed by Lanne and Saikkonen (2011) and Lanne and Luoto (2013). There is a vigorous ongoing debate on...
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Bu çalışma, vektör öz gecikmeli (vector autoregression-VAR) modeller kullanarak Türkiye’de döviz kuru ve ithalat fiyatlarının çekirdek tüketici fiyatları (işlenmemiş gıda ve alkollü içecekler-tütün hariç TÜFE) üzerindeki etkisini (geçişkenlik etkisi) incelemektedir....
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In this paper, we investigate the asymmetric effect of exchange rate movements on prices in both expansion and recession cycles for the inflation targeting (IT) period in Turkey, from 2002:M1 to 2012:M10, by using a co-integrating non-linear auto regression distributed lag (NARDL) model. This...
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Bu çalışmada, Türkiye için 2003:01–2009:12 dönemi enflasyon oranı ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki doğrusal olmayan ilişki ve ekonomik krizlerin bu ilişkiye etkileri araştırılmaktadır. İlk aşamada doğrusal olmama sınaması sonuçlarına dayanarak enflasyon eşik değeri...
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Many economic time series, specifically inflation, are subject to seasonal fluctuations. Seasonal adjustment is a powerful tool for removing such fluctuations. Meanwhile, seasonal adjustment may provide highly volatile series, as it deals with certain type of movements completed on seasonal...
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In this study, we discuss the overall performance of different core inflation measures for Turkey. We first describe and derive the core measures based on exclusion, statistical and model-based methods. We then compare their performances during the entire sample period of January 2003 –...
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This article describes experimental economics, in general, and new developments in experimental macroeconomics, in particular. The approach has a clear niche in providing evidence on economic phenomena that cannot be observed directly or that are difficult to measure. Experimental work conducted...
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A tanulmány szerzője bemutatja, milyen tényezők vezettek a devizaalapú hitelek felduzzadására. A legmélyebben fekvő ok az állam tartós túlköltekezése, az ezt kísérő bérinfláció, valamint az így megjelenő tartós inflációs nyomás. Ennek megfékezésére az MNB úgy...
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A tanulmány a pénzügyi fejlődés, az infláció és a gazdasági növekedés összefüggéseit elemzi egy endogén növekedési modellben. A modell a pénzügyi szektort olyan szektorként értelmezi, amely mind a pénzkeresletre, mind a tőke termelékenységére befolyást gyakorol. Az...
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A fogyasztási szokások különbözősége miatt az áremelkedés nagysága egyénenként, háztartásonként eltérő. Az árváltozás hatását mikroszinten mutató indexek számításának kimunkált elméleti háttere és gyakorlati módszere van, a hazai viszonyokról mégis meglehetősen...
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