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This paper discusses the evaluation problem using observational data when the timing of treatment is an outcome of a stochastic process. We show that, without additional assumptions, it is not possible to estimate the average treatment effect and treatment on the treated. It is, however,...
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Micro simulation involves modeling the behavior of individuals and other decision units taking into account the effects of policy parameters such as tax rates, eligibility rules for benefits and subsidies and compensation rates in the social security system. The model is simulated to analyze the...
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This paper puts focus on the hazard function of inter-trade durations to characterize the intraday trading process. It sheds light on the time varying trade intensity and, thus, on the liquidity of an asset and the informations channels which propagate price signals among asymmetrically informed...
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When making decisions, agents tend to make use of decisions others have made in similar situations. Ignoring this behavior in empirical models can be interpreted as a problem of omitted variables and may seriously bias parameter estimates and harm inference. We suggest a possibility of...
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The recent availability of large data sets covering single transactions on financial markets has created a new branch of econometrics which has opened up a new door of looking at the microstructure of financial markets and its dynamics. The specific nature of transaction data such as the...
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This paper investigates the time between transactions on financial markets. It is assumed that the interval between transactions is a random variable and the relation- ship between the probability to observe a transaction at each instant of time and the type of the previous trade is...
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This paper compares generalized method of moments (GMM) and simulated maximum likeli- hood (SML) approaches to the estimation of the panel probit model. Both techniques circum- vent multiple integration of joint density functions without the need to restrict the error term variance-covariance...
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This paper proposes a new approach to identify the wage effects of training.The idea is to narrow down the comparison group by only taking into consideration theworkers who wanted to participate in training but did not do so because of some randomevent. The point estimate of the return to...
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The aim of this paper is two-fold: (a) to establish a 'map' for describing the wide class of Limited Dependent Variables (LDV) univariate and multivariate models in the econometric literature and (b) to localize typical models in this tradition within the structure, extending typologies of...
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A common finding in empirical studies using micro data on consumer and producer prices is that hazard functions for price changes are decreasing. This means that a firm will have a lower probability of changing its price the longer it has kept it unchanged. This result is at odds with standard...
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