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Within a simple model of differentiated oligopoly, we show that tacit collusion may be prevented by the threat of nationalising a private firm coupled with the appropriate choice of the weight given to private profits in the maximand of the nationalised company. We characterise the properties of...
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We consider an international cartel whose members interact repeatedly in their own as well as in third …-country segmented markets. Cartel discipline-an inverse measure of the degree of competition between firms-is endogenously determined by … the cartel's incentive compatibility constraint (ICC), which links strategically markets that are seemingly unrelated …
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This paper analyzes optimal cross-licensing arrangements between incumbent firms in the presence of potential entrants. The optimal cross-licensing royalty rate trades off incentives to sustain a collusive outcome vis-a-vis incentives to deter entry with the threat of patent litigation. We show...
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Collusion sustainability depends on firms' ability to impose sufficiently severe punishments in the event of deviation from the collusive rule. We extend results from the literature on optimal collusion by investigating the role of a limited liability constraint. We examine all situations in...
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. A key feature of the model is that cartel discipline is endogenous. Thus, markets that appear segmented are … strategically linked via the incentive compatibility constraint. Importantly, trade costs affect cartel shipments and welfare not … costs exert a negative and significant effect on cartel discipline. In turn, cartel discipline has a negative and …
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This paper examines cartel overcharges for the European market. Using a sample of 191 overcharge estimates and several … parametric and semi-parametric estimation procedures, the impact of different cartel characteristics and the market environment ….37 percent of the selling price and the average cartel duration is 8.35 years. Certain cartel characteristics and the geographic …
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cooperation, undercutting is defection. Jointly, competitors are better off if both are faithful to a cartel. Individually, profit … is highest if only the competitor(s) is (are) loyal to the cartel. Yet collusion inflicts harm on the opposite market …
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Antitrust laws prohibit private firms to coordinate their market behavior, yet many types of interfirm cooperation are legal. Using laboratory experiments, we study spillovers from legal cooperation in one market to non-competitive prices in a different market. Our theoretical framework predicts...
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We experimentally study the effect of information about competitors ́actions on cartel stability and firms ́incentives …
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While price-fixing cartel prosecutions have received significant attention, the policy determinants and the political ….S. antitrust cartel prosecutions during the period 1969-2013. This period has seen substantive policy innovations with increasing … penalties related to fines and jail terms. There appear to be four distinct cartel policy regimes: pre-1978, 1978-1992, 1993 …
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